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Self-care as a mom has more than blown up over recent years.
Everyone has written about it, shared their varying tips for relaxing whether it be for five minutes or a whole weekend.
And that is great and all. But frankly I need something new. Or I did. As a twin mom, you likely can agree with me when I say we do have our hands full. Always have weights on our shoulders, minds always running ten steps ahead.
I need the kind of self-care that I can fit into my life. While I am washing dishes or trying to not scream back at my twins who have been screaming at me for the last eight hours.
Let’s call it practical self-care tips?
Sure, I could jump out the window the second my husband got home, but is that really fair?
Is it fair to just drop the kids on your spouse because you’ve had it? What about if they’ve had it?
Then what?
This is something a lot of twin parents struggle with but aren’t really prepared for before they’re stuck in it.
Unfortunately, when you have twins, it is hard to get away.
That might sound bad, but that’s what it is.
You want to get away and take the time to refresh, but that means the other parent is stuck with the so called “twin-nados” and that can lead to a lot of resentment.
Trust me on that one.
So instead, as a twin mom, practical self-care is your best bet in the meantime.
My ten hacks for practical self-care are easy enough for you to sneak in through-out the day, and make those long, loud and anxiety ridden days just a bit easier to handle. At least until you have those extra hands you’ve been waiting for.
First tip for practical self-care?
Get your booty up in the morning.
I have said this over and over again. But I have never looked back on the day and thought to myself, ugh. Why did I get up and enjoy myself this morning??
It is my favorite time to sneak in even five minutes of me time while making my coffee before I hear the twins start to wake up.
But if you aren’t a morning person- stay up and binge a show instead.
Best part about it? It gives you something to look forward to all day long.
I have been working my way through You and next on the list is Working Moms.
Then I’ll probably rewatch HIMYM or Greys because they’ve been on my mind a lot lately and the twins never let me enjoy them during the day!
Third tip? Buy yourself some Bluetooth headphones and get your thoughts back.
Don’t leave where the kids are, you don’t want this to be a safety issue. But quiet your mind from the crying, bickering, cartoons, all of it. Turn on your own music or a new Podcast. I have been getting really into Podcast’s lately and it’s kind of like talking to a real person which is always nice!
Fourth functional self-care idea; Write it out when they’re occupied.
Whether you have a blog like me, or just a pen and some paper. Write out your thoughts. Spend ten minutes, or until the spawns come grabbing up your legs, writing out what is on your mind. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just getting things out there; your dreams, thoughts, rambles, plans, anything of the sort can be really therapeutic.
This blog post is being written as a brain dump. Most of mine are. I sit down and just let my mind wander, then go back later and edit it all before uploading onto Twins and Coffee.
For me, it is like emptying my mind from the burdens it’s been carrying.
But any who, onto my fifth idea; clear your space.
AKA: clean.
Having a clear counter and swept kitchen helps me feel better about what I am doing. The twins can make most anything messy and chaotic. But when I try to control what I can, like the countertops that they (usually) can’t get to, I feel better about the rest of the mess piling up around the house.
Tip Six: Sit your booty down on the couch and shop.
Lord knows you can’t take the terrors into the store anymore. Or you just don’t want to. But thankfully we live in a time where online shopping is absolutely acceptable.
This is something I generally do with a show for the twins on in the background, or just when they aren’t thrashing the house. But I take a minute to breathe by laying down on the couch and browsing the new Amazon guides and top sellers, sales at Target, ect. Usually I don’t even end up buying anything, but the mindless act of online shopping helps reset my mind enough to get back in the game with the twins.
Practical self-care tip number seven? Stay on the couch.
But get something done instead, like grocery shopping.
I only go to the grocery store once a month. Usually that is to do a big stock up session and scope out new foods or meal ideas. But other than that? I order my groceries.
I personally utilize Clicklist through Kroger stores, but you can try out Instacart and so many other options! It does add an extra fee to your grocery shopping, but the act of NOT having to go to the grocery store is worth it to me. It’s kind of like pre-self-care. By grocery shopping online, I can spend more time on myself later. And NOT running around the grocery store.
Beyond all that phone work though, my ninth tip is to drop the phone all together.
Disconnect for the afternoon or the whole day. Spend time just with your littles.
I know for me, sometimes I get so wrapped up in convos with my girls or catching up on social media (a downside of being a blogger) that I end up getting frusterated with the twins for “getting in the way” when in reality, I just need to put the phone down and spend my time with them.
But finally, my tenth tip for pracitical self-care? Give in and do YOU.
Easier said than done some days.
But if you follow my Instagram stories, you’d know just how often I give into the chaos just to find some peace. Yesterday, it was ordering food I knew they would eat without a problem, putting on Moana (because it sucks them in) and getting some time to myself to eat a burger I had been craving and do so in PEACE. I even got to watch a show before they realized I had tricked them into leaving me alone.
All I want you to take from this is that it is POSSIBLE to find yourself and take care of yourself with littles.
Even with twins. It is possible with some practical self-care tips like the ones I have brought to the table.
You don’t have to sit in the angry ball of fire, there are ways to put yourself first when you’re caring for multiples.
What do you think you’ll try first?
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