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How to help your community during COVID-19

Helping your community during the coronavirus outbreaking currently going on is a great way to give back during these uncertain times. You can even do so for FREE!
I say free because I know a lot of us, maybe even most of us, are totally screwed when it comes to finances. My husband and I are right there with you guys.
Ya’ll know I work as a full time blogger, and with that I make the largest portion of my income through sponsorships and collaborations with brands. Well all of that came to an abrupt halt the second the media started sharing how real COVID-19 is, and how it is impacting our communities. Company marketing budgets came to a halt.
With that, my family is out a very large portion of income.
Luckily my husband is, at this point, still considered an “essential employee” so we’ll hopefully make it through but it will be tough.
Apart from my own families financial struggles, I am seeing so many friends and family losing their incomes due to the virus spread and my heart goes out to everyone.
I know some of us aren’t in that position though, and might be in the position to spend some money to give back to the community.
That is why I wanted to share with you guys a mix of ideas to give back, and help your community during COVID-19. Every little bit helps.
I know we’re all anxious. We don’t know what is to come. But we don’t have to sit in the panic, as much as our anxieties make us think we do.
Here are a few ideas to help your community during COVID-19:
- Buy gift cards from local companies, salons, and shops. It will help them get through by allowing them to pay their bills in the mean time.
- Like, share and follow local establishments on social media in order to spread word about them and hopefully generate business either now from the people that can afford to help, or later once everyone gets back on their feet.
- Check in on your elderly neighbors/relatives. Can you shop for them? Have the kids make cards to send? Maybe even a simple phone call could make their day.
- Donate to your local food banks.
- Ask your favorite local businesses how you can help them right now.
- Do NOT over buy, or buy what you don’t need. If you notice something has a WIC tag, leave it for someone who can only purchase WIC items. If you notice a shortage on GF/other allergen free items, leave them unless you personally need them for your own wellbeing. Remember, people with celiac have no other option.
- Donate what you don’t need to local shelters.
- Take your own precautions by following CDC guidelines.
- Donate blood. Check out where you can donate for the Red Cross here.
- Show compassion. Everyone is dealing with this situation as best as they can.
Those are just a few of the ways to help your community during COVID-19.
What else do you think might be helpful? Anything you’re doing that is making an impact?

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