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It’s science, girls trips are important.

No, I’m not making that up. Research actually suggests that girls trips are important for numerous reasons and TBH, after my first one, I totally agree.
A few weeks ago now (because it’s taken me a while to get this post rolling) I took my first ever girls trip. Now, not to sound dramatic or anything, but it was life changing.
Let me back up for a sec. You might need some context for this girls trip to truly sound as magical as it was.
You guys know I am a blogger, right? This website you’re on, it’s all mine. I write all of the content published on this site. That in turn makes me a blogger, and well, life as one can be kind of lonely.
Working as a full time blogger is isolating. It’s not like your typical job with coworkers and such. Instead, you might find yourself frequenting coffee shops with earbuds in to tune into your work. Everything is done alone.
So when my friend, Katie, launched a new, tight-knit blogging community a little over a year ago, it was like a breath of fresh air.
Finally, a sense of coworkers. Other women who got it. Did the same work day in and out. Understood the entrepreneurial lifestyle.
It was so nice to finally have a little hub where we could bounce ideas off of each other, connect, and discuss the type of work we were in.
But now for the girls trip. So Katie and a few other gals in the blogging group decided to go forward with putting together a little retreat for all of us. Little did I know this girls retreat would turn into something so impactful.
We ended up traveling to Nashville where we stayed in the Myrtle AirBnB’s and while most of us were incredibly nervous going into the weekend, we left closer than ever.
The weekend started off with all 30 of us crammed into one of the AirBnB’s snacking, making TikToks (yes I am aware we are too old for the app), and getting ready for our first dinner together.

Our dinner was held at MakeReady Nashville, where we ate family style connecting over fancy roasted carrot dishes and Nashville hot chicken. From there we split off, some of us going to a local burlesque show and some for karaoke. I went for karaoke but was too anxious to sing, which now I kick myself for because it would have been so much fun!

The following day is where we all really connected. We made our own clusters at GooGoo’s, spent lunch time at the famous FGL House, held a rooftop concert featuring Menna, and closed down a few clubs in Nashville with way too much hair tossing and tequila shots.

Then the last day was sad. We were all leaving at different intervals and we quickly realized a girls trip requires more than two days. We snagged some donuts from Five Daughters Bakery, followed by some brunch at a place I honestly can’t remember.

All that to say, we spent the weekend really truly connecting. Without kids. Work. Distractions. Just in the company of each other. And even though we went into the weekend as nearly strangers, we came out with a bomb ass group chat where nothing is off limits. We quite literally talk to each other 24/7.
Here are my top five reasons why girls trips are so important.
Mental Health
Ya’ll know I am a huge advocate for mental health. Well, girls trips are a great way to elevate yours! Research suggests that getting together with your girls, otherwise known as “peaceful interactions”, promotes the creation of oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone that takes over when you’re happy. So bring on the peaceful interactions!
Getting out of your comfort zone
Like a lot of us, I am a pretty quiet person. That is, until I’m with my girls. Something about being surrounded by the energy of a group of girls just brings me out of my shell. Which is just another thing that is so good for your well being. This encourages you to try new things, experience what you wouldn’t otherwise, and really live for a change!
Pure Honesty
Something about a good group of girlfriends just brings on a sense of security and safety. I’ve found that the deepest of talks stem from a good group of girls getting together and really listening to each other.
Teaching the value of friendships
Not only are girls trips good for the soul, but they’re good for the littles in your life. By taking a step back and making it a point to set aside time for your girls, you’re teaching your littles the value of friendship.
Finally, the last of the reasons why girls trips are so important is the sense of freedom they bring. Being a mom brings on the constant urge to be on and taking care of business. From kiddos to home life to work to laundry and everything else that piles up in the day to day. It overfills your cup most of the time. But with girls trips comes freedom. You’re let go of your responsibilities and you can finally breathe. Reset. Do you. And that is so good for the soul.
Have I sold you yet on the importance of girls trips?
Are you looking at booking sites right now trying to find the right place for yours?
Before you go too hard, let me leave you with one last bit.
It doesn’t matter how big or small you make the trip. Your girls trip can be as simple as a trip to the coast. Or as extravagent as a trip to Bali.
You just have to go for it. Schedule the kids some care. Pack your bags. And go.
You’ll be amazed at just how impactful the trip turns out to be, trust me.
A few of my girls have written about their weekend experience also, check out their posts below.
Noelle – Meg – Brandi – Ashley – Katie – Clair
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