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20+ of the best self care ideas at home

How are you doing? Probably struggling like the rest of us right now, huh?
I recently saw a meme that I cannot get out of my head. It said; Do you know how useless my anxiety is? I catastrophsized about a million scenarios yet somehow not this one. I find that hilariously true because, well, I’m in the same boat!
You there too?
It’s funny, anxiety always has us worrying about the wrong things. We can’t stop thinking about all of these crazy situations, yet they never seem to happen. It’s what we don’t think about that really happens.
Anyways, with all that to say, you probably need some good coping tools right now. That is what led me to creating this list of 20+ of the best self care ideas at home.
We’re all stuck at home, but we still gotta do what we can to stay sane. Anyone else a work from home mom? I’ve always been one but many of my friends are newly work from home moms and finding just how chaotic it truly is.
Here are a few ideas to cope through self care ideas at home:
- Watch a feel good Netflix movie. Or Disney+, Hulu, Prime. You get the idea.
- Do a fun exercise off of Youtube. The Fitness Marshall is a fave of mine.
- Facetime a bestie. There is also an app called House Party that let’s you connect with friends, play games and more!
- Write out your strengths and color in the page.
- Bake a favorite dessert/dish. I like cream cheese brownies.
- Try out some new art. I literally search “creative art ideas” on Youtube and get some inspo for projects!
- Organize something. That always makes you feel better.
- Try out a new hobby. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but you keep putting it off? It might just be the joy you need right now.
- Put your phone down. Turn it on Do Not Disturb. Set timers on your social media apps. Anything to help you disconnect for a bit.
- Unfollow people on social media. Who is getting you down? Boy, BYE!
- Take a long bath/shower. Get that sheet mask on, shave your legs, watch some Netflix. Take that time to yourself.
- Get dressed. A fresh pair of sweats does the soul good.
- Make your bed. Then get in it. A fresh made bed is the best.
- Open your blinds/windows. Let that light in!
- Make up a favorite songs playlist. Not any sad ones. Keep it fun!
- Ask around for book recommendations and download or order a new book to read.
- Order an adult coloring book. The flowery nice ones, or the naughty ones. Whichever will warm your heart.
- Practice your breathing. I recommend box breathing.
- Listen to a motivational podcast. Allie Casazza is my favorite.
- Make a bucket list. It doesn’t have to be for tomorrow. It doesn’t have to be for your entire life. It can be whatever you want!
- Create a morning/night routine that makes your soul happy. What do you want to do first thing in the morning? What about late at night?
- Start a journal. Then brain dump.
- Save your favorite inspirational quotes to your phone, computer or a Pinterest folder.
- Write out your goals. What do you want to accomplish this month? This year?
What do you think of this list? Did it give you some new ideas for self care at home?
Would you add anything? Are there things that you do that aren’t on this list that really help? Let me know!

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