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Mom burn out, funk, blues. Whatever you call it, you’re likely to experience it from time to time.
Or once a week. Like me and so many other mamas.
Mom burnout is no fun, but there are a few different things you can do to help you cope.
I am not here to tell you I’m perfect. That I never expereince mom burnout thanks to the tips I am about to share with you.
That is anything but close to the truth.
I take on way too much near every day. I am a very go go go person, and that bites me in the ass way more often than I admit.
But something I have been working very hard at is biting that sinking feeling in the butt the second it starts rearing its way into my life.
When I start to feel down, burnt out, and blue, these couple things never let me down.

First: Dropping everything and getting outside.
This is something that really helped me through-out the first year as a SAHM of twins. I made myself lug the twins into their double stroller and get out for a walk every. single. day. It was such a great refresher, literally, during the day. Plus I had a walk-in Starbucks less than a half mile from my house so.. it wasn’t a horrible walk.
Get out of your head by getting out of your space. Especially if you are a SAHM. Even a quick walk to grab the mail or take the trash out. Breathe a little bit of fresh air daily to help avoid that mom burnout.
Second: Do something CRAZY.
If you’re feeling that mom burnout coming on, take a look at your day and ask yourself, “what would I do if I could do anything today?”
For real. What would it be? What would you do if you could do anything? Then GO. Get ready and go. Forget your plans. Forget your to do list. It all can wait.
You? You can’t wait.
If I could do anything right now it would be lug the kids out, run through a coffee drive thru, go for a drive. Blast some music. Really get out of my head. Then head to Dairy Queen for a large cookie dough blizzard and binge some You on Netflix while eating my blizzard and hopefully get the kids to take an early nap.
Goals. Goals right there.
Third: Get yourself a hobby.
When that burnout hits, it hits hard. Something that has absolutely helped in coping with this mom life thing is having a hobby.
This. What you are reading right now. This is my outlet.
That outlet might look different for you. Maybe you’ll find kickboxing to be your thing. Or doing a new DIY project once a week. But just find something. Anything will help you be a better YOU and it’ll help get you out of your head when you need it.
Fourth: Schedule yourself in.
Fight that mom burnout the best you can by looking ahead. You know it’s out to get you regardless. SO stop that shit in it’s tracks.
Schedule time for yourself. Once a week. Something, anything. Nail appointment, coffee date with yourself, library stop for a new book.
TIP: Do not use this time for errands. This is YOUR TIME. 100% you. Errands happen during your on time. This is off the clock time.
Fifth: Call up your girls and leave.
Get out.
Right now.
It’s the end of you and me.
(aka mom burnout).
Seriously. You’re feeling burnt-out and blue? Get out for yourself.
Even if it’s to go over to a friends house and be inside of their chaos. Just get out of your own.
But I’m sure your best friend needs a break too, and you suggesting a date night or coffee night is right up her ally right now.
Sixth: Maybe, you need to go back to work.
This is for my SAHM’s. Maybe being a SAHM isn’t for you. Maybe you need to fight your burnout and find your identity by going back to work.
It might not be easy, but I can tell you from where I sit right now that I am so much happier since going back to work part-time.
I still have a lot going on. But the break away is everything I needed for my mental health.
I hope that at least one of my tips sits with you and pops into your mind the next time you feel that mom burnout looming on your shoulder.
You do not have to just live with it, mama.
You GOT this. This is your life. You deserve happiness, you deserve to love the life you live.
And when it comes to the hard feelings that come with being a mama, just know you’re not alone.
We all feel like crap moms (at least) half the time. All we can do is our best.
And if you’re dying for a few tips from myself for how I am working hard to master this whole mamahood thing, click on the big orangey box above or below this blog post.
It’ll sign you up for a whole week of steps for making the most of your days, so you have more time for you and the things you love most.

Asian says
I was just telling my husband that I need me time every week to keep me sane. I work 9-5 and we have two littles and between all of that I need something to look forward to to keep me going every week. These ideas are awesome, thank you for sharing.