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My Pinterest mom skills are lacking. And by that, I mean they’re basically non-exhistant.
Whenever I try out fun baby/toddler friendly crafts, nothing turns out right other than the chaos I should have expected.
But, why would I let that stop me. I’ve grown to find that as a mom, I enjoy activities that heighten my blood pressure.
Like toddlers playing, throwing, and sucking up Cool Whip. Lol!
So yeah, I had to jump on it and make up some easter eggs with toddlers. Just for you guys.
I am not going to leave any bit of this experience out. I feel like majority of the time, when you find a post like this on Pinterest or wherever else one finds these kind of diy posts, they leave out what true MESS comes from it.
You can take all of the pretty pictures in the world, but I think this one right here pretty much sums up this entire experience.
I am doing such a great job on selling you with these easter eggs with toddler ideas, huh?
Really making you want to whip all this crap out on the table, I am sure.
No, we did have fun. For the most part. One piece of advice would be to NOT do all three of these in one sitting like I did. Oh, and to check under the kitchen table for more Cool Whip mess.
I forgot that part until I found Caeden playing in more Cool Whip while I cleaned up.
Let’s just dive into the three ideas and how each of them panned out, as well as suggestions I have for limiting the chaos that might come.
First, we tried mixing Easter Eggs with a Sensory water bin.
All you need for this one is a large plastic bin filled about an inch deep with cold water, a whisk, a few drops of food coloring, and some eggs.
The goal behind this was to encourage my toddler twins to play with the whisk in the water, swirring the eggs around all while lightly dying them.
Well, that kind of worked. They did have fun spalshing in the diluted color water, but they also ended up smashing their eggs and playing in the bits.
They made more of an “egg soup”. So the eggs were lost, BUT they did have a load of fun!
And don’t worry, the color didn’t stain anything. The color was muct too diluted for anything to stain, which was one of my biggest concerns!
The next DIY for Easter eggs with toddlers we tried out included Cool Whip, dye and eggs.
I orginally was going to go with the standard shaving cream route, but was worried that the twins would ingest a ton and get sick.
So Cool Whip it was! They had the most fun with this egg decorating idea.
Mostly because it meant they got to eat a ton of Cool Whip.
Mom of the year award? Probably not. But the few eggs that turned out from it were awfully pretty! I would recommend this DIY for yourself!
But be warned– This is SUPER messy. The Cool Whip got everywhere. So for sure use the tub idea like I did to limit the mess, and check everywhere (including under the table) afterwards to clean up all of the Cool Whip!
And lastly, some speckled egg shakers!
This was the LEAST messy but a lot of fun for the the twins! For sure an easter eggs with toddlers winner.
If you’re looking for minimal mess, sensory play, and some awesome looking eggs, here is what you need:
Freezer Ziploc bags, plain white rice, food dye, some hardboiled eggs.
All you have to do is throw the rice in a bag, ad a few drops of food coloring, and drop a few eggs in.
I kept the twins at the table at first just to make sure the bags didn’t bust open and cause a HUGE mess. But the freezer bags are tough enough to handle the vigorous shaking the twins were giving the eggs.
And the eggs turned out pretty awesome also!
So we did have fun with these ideas for Easter eggs with toddlers. I was a bit more prepared for the chaos thanks to my fall Pinterest craft fail (read about that here), but it still wasn’t as “Pinterest-y” as I had hoped.
Maybe I’m just not built for it. But who cares. I mom the best way I can!
Try these ideas for yourself and tag me on Instagram (@twinsandcoffeepnw). I want to see what your toddlers come up with!
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