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Are you currently stuck at home?

Odds are, you are, with all that’s currently going on in the media.
Whether you’re stuck at home because you’re sick, self quarantining, or there is a law recently put in place to keep you indoors, you’re home.
Then for a lot of us, there is no end in sight. Everything is closing, from schools to events to travel, and honestly it can be a lot to take in.
I’m sure your facebook feed is filled with just as much anxiety ridden panic as mine is, as as much as I’d like to tell you to just block it out, that’s not really possible when you’re still trying to stay up to date with new government announcements.
So, we’re stuck at home.
And coming to you from a stay-at-home-mom turned work-from-home-mom, it’s not all that fun.
Surprise, huh?
At least as a day to day SAHM, I can find things for myself and my twins to do. From parks to play places to simply running errands. But now that those simple things seem pretty much forgotten about, I’ve tried to compile a list of ideas for your family while you’re stuck at home.
Not necessarily activities, for those read this post, but instead things you can do as a family to make light of the situation.
I know a lot of us now have cancelled spring break plans, and while that really, truly sucks, there are ways to spend time as a family at home spending little to no money.
Family Friendly Ideas for When You’re Stuck at Home
Living room campout – think forts, popcorn and movies!
Movie marathon – Um, Disney+??
Lego building contest – Kiddos of all ages will love this!
Living room picnic – Lay out a blanket and do a snack style lunch for the family
Kitchen bake off – Now the stores are basically out of the essentials, but after a trip to Fred Meyer last night, I can confirm the baking aisles are basically untouched.
Break out the board games – better for bigger kiddos, but whens the last time you played a game as a family?
Start on that home list you “never have time for” – the kids might roll their eyes, but make it fun with some music and dancing. Maybe you’ll clean out your linen closet, or finally go through all those baby clothes you’ve been meaning to!
Host a living room dance party – I’m talking full on Xbox Dance Party. Break out the old games, or play some music videos off of Youtube and have fun!
Work on the garden – Don’t forget, you do need some fresh air even during the suggested “stay home” conditions. Work on the garden as a family!
Learn a new fitness activity from Youtube – again with the Youtube, but seriously, you can learn so much from the videos! Like a new dance or fitness routine. The Fitness Marshall is super fun to watch!
A few articles regarding ideas for when you’re stuck at home:
Rainy Day Survival Kit for Kids and Parents
Now I hope with those few family friendly suggestions for when you’re stuck at home give you some ideas on how to occupy your new free time.
Let me know what you end up doing as a family by commenting or tagging me on social media!

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