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Becoming a mom is like an instant hit to your self confidence.
All of a sudden you’re a new mom with LOADS of questions and it seems like nothing is the same anymore.
Not to mention Facebook and Instagram aren’t all that helpful sometimes.
Seeing all of the pictures and posts about moms who seem to have it all put together, when it feels like you’re hanging on by a thread?
Not the greatest confidence boost!
I have always dreamed about the day when I would become a mom. I dreamed I’d have everything put together, that I would stay home and life would be a breeze. Laundry always done, dishes put away and not overflowing in the sink, makeup and hair done everyday.
I am sure we can all laugh at that!
Motherhood is seriously nothing like what social media makes it seem and it is honestly overwhelming.
How do those moms keep their homes, babies, and selves clean all of the time??
You can bet that 99% of the time I have at least some sort of spit up, food, or milk somewhere on my body.
Last night it was pureed squash as we are introducing foods to the twins and Kendall decided to blow bubbles into the spoon.
Yep, the squash was everywhere.
Not really the Instagram perfect image we all see of mom life, right?
Being a twin mom, I am always on the hunt for ways to make my life easier.
Keeping the twins well and fed is hard enough. Then add in EVERYTHING else you have going on as a new mom?
It seems pretty unobtainable.
So I have scoured Pinterest, talked with other moms, and implemented methods myself all around keeping my shit together as a new mom and I have 52 ways of doing so for you guys.
Let’s get to it and finally MAYBE get our SHIT together!

Be prepared!
- Keep a stocked diaper bag
- Make sure you have the baby essentials
- Set up diaper stations both up and downstairs
- ALLLWAYS have an extra box of diapers
- Same goes for formula if you aren’t nursing/pumping
- Keep easy snacks in the house (for yourself!)
- Make sure you have the next size up in clothes, they’ll grow over night!
- Always have a bottle of wine (or beer) on hand
Plan ahead!
- Wake up before your kids (you’ll get more done)
- Give yourself a chore or two a day
- Under plan yourself for when things don’t go as planned
- Get the essentials done in the morning and go from there
- Remember to plan in family time!
- Plan your days out in the morning (because the night is always a long one when you plan the day before)
- Meal plan before you grocery shop
Keep the house tidy, not clean!
- Create a tidying schedule for yourself (I only do dishes, sweep, and put the living room back together daily)
- Do the bigger tasks one thing at a time
- Tidy as you go (so the mess doesn’t keep piling up)
- Keep some DIY cleaning products for quick and easy cleaning
- Feed the babies over the hardwood or linoleum for easy clean up
Get OUT of the house!
- Join local mom groups on Facebook and ACTUALLY go to the events
- Go for regular walks (even fifteen minute walks to Starbucks will save the day)
- Set date nights with your best friend
- Get out without the babies
- Spend an extra five minutes in the car jamming to your favorite song
Momma knows best!
- Don’t doubt yourself, you do know what you’re doing
- Ask for advice when you need it
- When in doubt, call your mom
- Cosleep if you need to
- Remember, breastfed babies cannot overfeed
- What you say goes. Don’t take crap from everyone else
- Mom shaming is real, don’t be one of them
- Let them cry if you want, or don’t. It is up to you
- You are the BEST mom for your babies
Find new hobbies!
- Bring out the old paint set, jewelry kit, whatever else!
- Start a mom blog
- Try cake decorating! (my personal favorite)
- Binge watch Youtube videos (guilty…)
- Try out photography!
- Get into the adult coloring books
Practice self care!
- Take a real shower
- Or a bath if you have the time!
- Read a book for yourself
- Take yourself out on a date
- Spruce up your wardrobe
- Get a pedicure
- Walk around target for a while (or a few hours)
- Look up inspirational quotes on Pinterest (I have a whole board dedicated, check it out here!)
Now that you have 52 ways of keeping your shit together as a new mom, make the most of it!
You rock those leggings and do what you want. You got this mom shit HANDLED.
If I can do it, you can too.
Thanks for reading!

mrs g says
great post, I like the idea to have 2 diaper stations! just a tip, the light pink highlighted words that you have are very hard to read!
Brigette says
Self care is something I have been struggling to make sure KI make time for! These are great tips and motivators!
Rose-Marie says
This is a great list! Especially for new mums. Confidence does grow (and sometimes get knocked back again) but being a mum is an awesome responsibility and you come into your own as your kiddos grow and develop. Great read! Rose @ Our House of Love
Tara says
These tips are great! Meal prep and wine save my life!!
Lynneah says
I wouldn’t survive without my two stations! And thank you! I’ll take a look into that 🙂
Lynneah says
I hope I have helped you figure out how to find some time! Sometimes for me, it’s just sitting in the bathroom for a few extra minutes scrolling through instagram!
Lynneah says
Thank you so much!
Lynneah says
Wine&Meal prep are for sure some of my faves 😉 Thank you!
Sacha says
I’m so glad you wrote this because I’m a new mum and felt like there was so much that I didn’t know and am still learning to this day! Extremely helpful tips!
Lynneah says
I am so glad I was able to help you! Being a new mom is for sure a very difficult time. I hope I helped you find some confidence in your new role!
Laura says
Oh my gosh! This post is everything! LOVE IT! I was nodding along to everything
Lynneah says
Thank you SO much for your feedback! I am so happy you feel the same way!
Kylie Abreu says
I love these tips. I think all of us mum can relate. I think being organised and keeping a balance in life is essential
Lynneah says
Thank you! Organization is key for a balanced life and in getting shit done!
Safi says
So many great tips! I totally agree that preparation is key! It’s definitely important tp be easy on ourselves and practice self-care because being a mama is HARD!
Steph says
Tidy, not clean. That is literally my mantra. Haha!
Sally says
Lovely post.
Makenzie says
These are wonderful tips and as a new mama myself, I get a little overwhelmed with everything. Thank you for this!
Lynneah says
Thank you! We all gotta make sure we put ourselves first every once in a while! You can’t pour from an empty cup!
Lynneah says
It is a great mantra to have!!
Lynneah says
Thank you, Sally!
Lynneah says
You are so welcome! Make sure to remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can! Always!
Lauren Sigmund says
Yup yup yup! I try to remember all of this! “sign up for mom groups and actually go to the events”- haha! so true. I try to be better at doing that. Need to build that mom tribe!
Lynneah says
You gotta build that momma tribe! I made myself go way out of my comfort zone at first by going for it- but I wouldn’t change it! They are my go to for everything! I love that we can all bounce ideas about motherhood off of each other and the confidence they have helped me grow 🙂
Emily | Lil Mama Bear Blog says
Girl, I can’t even tell you how much I admire you as a twin mom! I had a hard enough time as a new mama of 1. 🙂
Lynneah says
Thank you so much! Everyone has their own battles and their own norms. You just go with the flow and get used to it! I couldn’t imagine what life with be like with one baby!