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Exclusively pumping isn’t something I thought I would be doing when I first found out I was pregnant.
Like most (soon to be) moms, I hoped to happily nurse my babies and figured everything would run smoothly. Well, I was wrong. After the twins were born prematurely and spent their first couple weeks in the NICU, my pump has become my best friend!
Pumping around the clock for nearly four months now has taught me a lot. It has also made most of my family and friends very familiar with my boobs! I pump during or following each time my twins eat. I occasionally throw an extra pump in if my boobs are flooded with milk. But typically I just pump around the twins feeding times.
A question I have gotten from family members who notice my routine is, “well, why don’t you just nurse if you pump at the same time they’re eating?”. And first of all- none of your business. How I feed my kids is my decision. But secondly- feeding two babies at the same time is freaking hard. And since I am usually alone with the twins during feeding times, the bottle is what they’re used to. So when my husband is home and can help feed the twins, I could nurse one while he feeds the other, but I like things the way they are.
My boy twin, Caeden, does like to nurse at night sometimes. If he nurses, it’s around 8-9 before he goes down for the night. I don’t mind it. We lay down and watch tv and nurse while sissy takes a bottle and falls asleep.
But aside from night nursing Caeden occasionally, I exclusively pump around the clock. Over the last couple months, I have put together an essentials list that makes up a pretty comfortable pumping life.
7 Essentials for Happy Pumping:
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An Awesome Pump
Currently all insurances provide FREE pumps for expecting mothers. Get on it! Call your insurance company and ask about their process for redeeming your insurance covered pump.
Water bottle
My personal must must MUST have is a good water bottle with my pump bag. After I am done pumping, I fill it back up. I am not sure why, but the second milk starts flowing I get super thirsty. I also keep a water bottle just about anywhere I am going to be pumping. Not a surprise, but I have a lot of water bottles.
Extra parts
When you exclusively pump- you get over washing parts real quick. When I first started pumping I had the “oh I can just rewash these every time, no biggie” mindset. EHHH WRONG. I have a few sets now. They all sit in the sink until I need to rewash them all.
A good “to-go” milk container box
If you plan on going anywhere with your little’s, you’re going to need something to safely store their milk! I have a small lunch box that zips closed and a good ice pack for it.
Ready to go snacks
Pumping is just about the only time I am sitting down long enough to eat something. So I have a lot of ready to go snacks in my house. My favorites are bars, peanut butter (by the spoon full), string cheese, and tomato basil Wheat Thins.
Nursing bra
You might think you are okay holding your pump parts in place in the beginning, but just like pump parts, you’re wrong again! Hands free pumping is the only way I pump. Whether I need to help a baby, stuff my face, or work on my blog, I want both hands free to do as I please. Pumping already takes up enough of my time. I don’t want to be completely tied up by it.
Nipple cream
And lastly,you are going to need nipple cream. Your nipples wont get cracked and raw like they do nursing, but they do get dry and uncomfortable. Invest in a good nipple cream and use it a couple times a day.
And there you have it! 7 necessities for exclusive pumpers.
Are you an exclusive pumper or planning to be? Did I miss anything? Go ahead and let me know your thoughts below!
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