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Blogging with twins is more than a handful.
Hey guys, I’m back!
I didn’t think I would ever need to take a break from blogging but hot damn, the supermarket ladies were right;
Between the twins, school and life over the past month- blogging just didn’t make the cut. And boy have I missed it!
The twins are just about seven months old and the five-six month period has been full of big transitions.
They are now moving around on their own, babbling back and forth, needy as all hell, and cute as can be.
But I won’t go into too much detail about their developments in this post- you can check that out here (once I publish it).
This post is about what it is like becoming a ‘successful’ blogger with twins.
I am using the term ‘successful’ loosely because hey, I am no where near the perfect blogger. I still have so much to learn. But I do have an expanding following and do make a passive income from Twins and Coffee.
In my eyes, that all makes me successful. Am I 100% where I want to be?
But I am getting there, and honestly this blog has grown way more than I ever thought it would when I published my first post.
Okay enough of that, let’s get into why you’re really here.
How on earth do I blog with twins???
Let me just say- starting out was easy.
I started my blog when the twins were itty bitty newborns who slept more than anything else. I had a LOT of free time to myself and I needed something to do.
Blogging gave me an outlet where I could share everything I had or was learning with other twin mommas. It also gave me motivation.
Life as a new SAHM with infants is pretty dull. You life now revolves around burps, poops, and utter chaos. Step one is getting all of that under control.
You need some sort of daily schedule. Some kind of routine for yourself that will keep you out of the never ending change-eat-sleep-repeat cycle.
You can read about how I scheduled myself during the 0-3 and 3-6 months in upcoming posts that I will link here.
Inside of my daily schedules, I always set aside some sort of time for ‘blogging’.
For me- blogging entails researching, planning, writing, posting and promoting.
Now, I don’t do each of those things every day. But I do try to spend a minimum of an hour on my blog each day.
But in the beginning I spent about four to five hours per day on my blog to get it where it is today.
I tried my best to work while the twins slept, but sometimes life didn’t work that way. So I would work while one was on my lap, sometimes even both of them!
But my best work was ultimately done late at night or in the early morning.
Late at night dad could help with the babies so I could be a little more focused. Then early in the morning the babies aren’t as needy so I often have more time to myself.
I guess my biggest tip would be to find time inside of your babies schedule.
YOU want to start a mom blog, don’t you?
I mean, it is seriously easy to do. It just takes your time.
And who knows- you could even make money off of it like I do!
In upcoming posts I am going to discuss HOW I blog. How I started, how I find topics, how I create pin worthy images, how I utilize Pinterest to promote my blog (FOR FREEEEE), how I utilize Tailwind for Pinterest promotion, and how (of course) I am making an income with Twins and Coffee.
Feel free to check out the rest of my blog and shoot me some of your questions.
And don’t forget to subscribe below for a weekly Twins and Coffee update as well as notifications for when my HOW TO BLOG series begins 🙂
K&E - Twinning Store says
Love this post! Proves that twin moms are super moms <3 Xoxo, K&E
Lynneah says
Awh thank you so much! 🙂