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Have you ever thought to yourself “how does she do it”?
I do all of the time, and I also get asked that question all the time as a twin mom!
Instead of sitting around continuing to wonder, I asked the great group of moms over on the Twins and Coffee Instagram page what their best mom hacks were and just had to share with you guys.
Every new, or even seasoned mom, needs these tips in their life.
I ended up getting some pretty awesome tips and tricks from my mom community.
Both for mama, and for baby! But mostly baby. From newborn to toddler to full blown acting out pre-teen, here is what my mamas had to say when asked what their best mom tips were.

- Paci’s + Medicine. Keep baby from spitting out their meds by sticking the paci in as you are giving the meds! This one for sure works. It is the only way we could get the twins to take their medicine while they were itty bitty.
- Lollipops @ Target! Hand your littles a lolli inside of Target to keep them happy and from (hopefully) terrorizing the whole store!
- MUSIC! This is a favorite hack of my own. When the littles are extra fussy, need help sleeping, or just need some background noise, turn up the music! Up until my twins were mobile, I would scoop them both up and dance around the house with them to calm them down. Now that they’re running everywhere, I’ll turn some music on and we’ll all dance it out!
- Clutch > Diaper bag. Now this might not work for everyone, but sometimes less is MORE! Stick a diaper or two in your clutch, a little baggie of wipes and leave the rest in the car when running into a store. I should probably take advantage of this one, instead of my usual diaper bag situation!
- Have a good baby carrier. Allllways a good tip! I swear by my Ergo, but I have a lot of friends who love their Tula’s and Lillibaby’s!
- When in doubt, build a fort! I mean, who can say no to this one?? I could build one and my toddlers would just have a blast tearing it down. So that would be a WIN!
- Thermos for Warm Milk on the go. Awesome hack for formula moms, or littles who only take warmed milk! Warm your milk or water to the correct temp, and pour it into the thermos and take it with you!
- Pre-mix all formula for the day. I still don’t know why I never did this. But talk about the ultimate mom hack! Pre-mix all of your formula for the day, and keep in a large pitcher. Dr. Browns even sells a pitched that comes with a built in mixer! Check it out here!
- Block off your house with Regalo baby gates! You guys know how much I love Regalo! This is something that I did, because I believe that having a fully baby proofed house makes for a sane mama. Use the easy latch gates for short and wide openings! Check them out here!
- Keep the Amazon boxes, forget the toys. Don’t kids always seem to pick the boxes over the toys that came in them? Currently, my twins are playing in a large diaper box that I’ve made a home for in the living room. Keep your littles entertained for hours with a simple box!
- Don’t forget the mini books. Great for on the go! Pack a few mini cardboard books in your diaper bag (or clutch if you’re putting all of these mom hacks in place) and keep your little entertained. If your babe is a little older, you could even have them read the books to you. So this mom hack is here to stay!
- The classic you should know about: the backwards onesie and sleeper. Your little is bound to get to a stage where they know how to take their clothes off, and likely the next step will be the diaper. So save yourself the mess and take this tip from mom!
- Baby and toddler proof the fireplace with a chalk board. Um. Can we talk about how GENIUS this is?? Obviously you can’t use the fireplace with this one, but the kids have a place to draw, you have a place to decorate, its a win win! Cheap and inexpensive mom hack!
- Songs in the car. Link your phone to your car and play their favorites. Mine would be a mix of the Moana sound track and Baby Shark. But if that keeps them from screaming, I’ll deal.
- Diaper changes in the activity mat! Might want to lay something underneath them so that you can still use it afterwards, but one of my mamas swears it helps keep her daughter from rolling around during diaper changes. I’ll have to try this one!!
- Sneak exercise into your older kids routine. Ask them to do things like check the mail, go get something from another room, something to get them moving! This seems like a total win, for me. LOL
- Toy rotation. This is something I started doing and I love it. I keep different toys in bins and boxes, and only bring out one bin or box at a time. That way there is less to clean up, and your kids keep interested in their toys!
- ALWAYS. HAVE. SNACKS. End of discussion. Here are a few of my fave snacks.
- Selfie stick + Netflix on the go. This is GREAT for car trips! And very inexpensive. Stick the selfie stick out of arms reach, and let your littles watch a movie or show while traveling!
- Keep diapers, wipes and jammies in the car for emergencies. We could all probably do better at this. I know I’ve needed it before!
- Better yet, have a car box. I keep a box packed with essentials so I never have to worry about not having something in the moment! Read more about my travel tips with toddlers here.
- Different toys for different places. Another way to keep them interested in their toys, only offer them in certain rooms and locations! I like to keep the “best” toys in the car. I think it helps with car rides!
- Laundry basket in the tub. Keep baby safe and in a smaller area than the tub!
- Wipes. EVERYWHERE. I can completely agree with this one. You never know when you’re going to need them! Plus they make for great makeup wipes.
- Swap toys! Back to the toys. My best friend and I have toddlers the same age and we have always swapped toys. It is like shopping, but for free!
- Baby sign. Teach them young. There are even cute cardboard baby books for easy cues, check them out here!
- Let them choose. Clothes, food, ect. Give two options, that way you can actually make what they want happen, they aren’t overwhelmed, and they still feel involved and valued!
- Make cleaning a game. You all know this is something I am going to have to do! Encourage your older toddlers and kids to help clean by making it fun. See who can get the most toys picked up in one minute, repeat until everything is picked up. Make the prize being able to watch a youtube video before bed or something small like that!
- Distractions! If your little is doing something naughty, swoop in with something ‘better’ to occupy them.
- Buy items with multiple functions. You are already buying so much for your littles. Buy shoes that fit well and match more than one outfit, bottles that transform into sippy’s, and my favorite, a play yard that transforms into a playground, safe zone, and is great for travel. Read all about why I love the Regalo Play Yard here.
- BONUS TIP: Grab your babies Owlet Socks for safe sleeping & your mental well-being! (check them out here)
That is one packed list of the best mom hacks.
What is your favorite? Think any of these would make your life easier?
For more of the best mom hacks, make sure to follow along on Instagram. I love sharing my off the wall mom hack ideas! Like duct tape. I use it often. LOL!

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