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Somedays you just need a mom break.
There is no doubt motherhood is hard. I’m not here to argue that.
Somedays are harder than others, and sometimes it gets to a point where it’s simply unbearable.
You know, those moments are where you need a mom break.
When you’re hanging on by as little as a thread, you do deserve and need a mom break.
I, personally, have been really struggling lately.
I am just now starting to feel better, which is why I feel more comfortable sharing my story but lately I have not been ok.
I shared a post on Instagram last week where I went on to explain my frustration and sadness.
That I had reached a new level of “done-ness” with everything. I was snapping at everyone. I was beyond exhausted. Just mentally depleted.
It turned into me taking a break from social media where I spent some time figuring out where these moods were coming from and why I felt that way.
As it turns out, I read a lot into “mom breaks” and when to know you really do need one.
Not just a five minute breather. But a true break. A break from it all to really reset.
Whether that be a day away, doing whatever it is you love, or a weekend truly getting away from it all.
You need something.
And while a day away might be more obtainable than a weekend or a week away, you have got to do something in that time for a break.
Remember, you can never pour from an empty cup and you’ll be a much better mama bear and spouse if you get that break away.
Here are a few signs you might need that mom break
You’re Overwhelmed
Not Sleeping Well
or Emotion-less
(more) Forgetful
You’re Exhausted
& You can’t remember your last mom break
I’ve been feeling all of the above. Angry and exhausted more than anything.
That is how I know now, that it is time for more than a five minute break.
But if you can’t find more than a few minutes right now, here are a few ideas for resetting quickly.
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