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I’ve never really been one to set a whole bunch of goals for the new year, but as we get closer and closer to 2019, all I can think about is how badly I want to make it MY freakin’ year.
So, let’s talk new years resolution ideas for mom.
Everyone. New or seasoned. New years resolutions to kick ASS together in 2019.
I for one want to forget the mess that was 2018. The mess that was bringing premature twins into the world and finding my grove with them by my side. And the mess that was navigating life as a new mom.
Don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful for what 2018 has taught me as well as the friendships I have made along the way, but MAN.
I am so ready for 2019.
I want to make 2019 the year all about chasing dreams and make things happen.
I hope you do too because the upcoming list of resolution ideas for mom is built just for US.

First thing on my mind?
Forget the GUILT.
I’m talking mom guilt. The thing that eats us alive.
The thing that tears us apart.
New Years Resolution #1: Leave the Mom Guilt Behind.
Mom guilt hits me hard constantly from all around. Like for starters; I have two babies. Am I giving them each enough attention? Who needs me more? God, what am I doing wrong?
And then I see the other moms taking their kids to the park or dressing their kids in clean clothes every dayand the mom guilt hits me all over again.
Leave it to rot in 2018.
And the next one on the resolution ideas for mom list kinda ties in with the guilt.
New Years Resolution #2: Give Yourself Grace.
We need to agree to give ourselves grace in 2019.
Grace to be imperfect. Grace to be ourselves. If we want to be the best moms we can be, we have got to love ourselves and give ourselves a break.
Understand that we are not perfect, and neither is she. But being imperfect is perfectly ok.
We also need to focus on encouraging each other and ourselves.
I swear, nothing feels better than another mama telling me that I rocked something.
That they’re proud of me, or think I’m doing great.
Hearing those things from another mom is a major confidence boost.
So, New Years Resolution #3: Remember to Encourage Others.
Who knows. You might end up making some of those dreaded “mom friends”.
But guess what.
You need them, too.
I would be absolutely no where without the strong and beautiful mom friends I have made this past year.
Mom friends are so much different from the friends you had before motherhood. They understand you on an entirely new level, and will willingly be your punching bag when you need it.
New Years Resolution #4: Let Friends Happen.
Don’t shy away from that park date you were invited to. You have the time to make it happen. Your littles need the interaction.
And you do too.
Mamahood can be a very lonely place. Espeically if you are a SAHM like me. The only interaction I get with the real world most days is me talking to myself in the stories I share over on Instagram.
For real. That is basically it.
So then I am always the person at the grocery store who talks the heads off of the checker because I likely haven’t talked to a person other than my husband all freakin week.
Don’t be that weirdo like me. Let the friends happen.
No one will understand you better than another person in your same shoes like another mama.
Oh, and stop making excuses.
Like the ones I know you have running through your head right now.
You have time.
You have the time for friends, and most importantly, you have time for yourself.
And time for yourself has got to be a priorty.
We have been talking about it for long enough, and girl, it’s time.
New Years Resolution #5: Make the time for YOU.
Don’t just make it happen either. Enjoy the time. Where ever you can.
You need the time to refresh and recharge in order to be the best you can be.
Sometimes that will also mean saying NO.
And “no” is a perfectly okay answer.
Stop giving up your time to make other people happy. Your happiness matters too. Your being matters.
You cannot simply do everything and make everyone happy at the same time.
So why not make yourself happy?
New Years Resolution #6: Actually Say No.
Say no because you got better things to do. Like working on yourself, following your dreams, and playing on the floor with your kids.
Or just because the last thing you need today or tomorrow is to hike the kids out of the house one more freaking time.
And one last thing.
It doesn’t really flow like the rest of my new years resolutions all moms can agree on, but I am not leaving it out of this list.
It is too important not to share and encourage.
New Years Resolution #7: Be the weird ass mom you are meant to be.
I know, a little off track.
BUT. It is something that I am trying to embrace as we jump into the new year.
I have seen so many articles enouraging moms to be that ‘weird mom’ and how it helps build your childs self confidence.
So like, I’m here for that.
But you know what it also helps?
Take the damn load off your shoulders.
When you aren’t trying to uphold an image and be what society thinks you should be, you start to have a lot more fun with your life and actually enjoy it.
I’ll tell you that my grocery trips where I jump and dance around laughing with my kids probably make me look insane.
And like the total weird mom.
BUT my kids are happy, we’re all smiling, and we get out of the store in one piece (so far at least).
So with diving into the new year, I want to encourage you that above all else, be that weird mom.
You don’t have to put all of these New Years Resolution ideas for mom into place. They’re just here to get you started.
Good things are coming in 2019, and they start with us beliving that we can do it.
Jump into 2019 with a few of these new years resolution ideas for mom, and don’t forget to share with your friends.
Because Empowered Women Empower Women.

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