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The best part about blogging is connecting with other bloggers.
Not only is it great to be able to share the experience of blogging with one another, but you get the opportunity to really watch each other grow.
I am so excited that The Vegas Mommy choose Twins and Coffee as one of her few favorite blogs, and has nominated T&C for the Liebster Award.
The Liebster Award is an online blogger award given from bloggers, to bloggers. It only exists online, but has been circling around the blogger network since 2011! You can read more about the Liebster Award here.
When Samantha from TVM messaged me a few days ago that she had nominated me, I honestly started to tear up. Yes, this might be ‘just an online award’ but it means the world to me.
Knowing that I am building something 100% all on my own, and that even one person appreciates what I am creating, is an unreal feeling.
If you would have told me a year ago, while I was uber pregnant with twins and hating life, that I would soon enough have a blog that generates thousands of views, impacts lives, and has grown such a large following in that short of a time- I would have laughed and shut you down.
Never before have I believed in myself as much as I do now. And I am over the moon happy that someone else sees it in me too.
So, Samantha, I really appreciate this opportunity and you have seriously turned my month around.
Onto the Liebster Award
When nominated for the Liebster Award, they ask that you follow the following rules;
What are the rules?
- Thank the person who nominated you, and put a link to their blog on your blog.
- Display the award on your blog.
- Write a small post about what makes you passionate about blog posting.
- Provide 10 random facts about yourself.
- Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel would enjoy blogging about this award the award.
- List these rules in your post.
- Inform the people/blogs that you nominated.
Skipping right onto Why Am I Passionate About Blogging?
I think I am most passionate about blogging because I am in complete control. I can publish what I wish, spend however much time I can on it, and call it my own. I do owe my growing success to my followers who believe in me and look forward to reading my tips and what goes on in this crazy life with twins- but all of the success is from something I created on my own.
I do all of my own research, create all of my own content, and I have never been more proud of myself. With what a fun hobby blogging is, there is a lot of hard work that goes into it. And seeing my numbers sky rocket after putting hours and days into working on x, y and z is an incredible feeling.
I am passionate because I have found what I have been looking for over the past 24 years. I have the answer to that question in school “what do you want to do when you grow up?”. I want to write, share and create an empire of my own. I love being my own boss, doing what I love and want, and watching it succeed.
10 Random Facts About Me:
- Twins do not run in my family, they were a total surprise
- I married my high school sweet heart
- I have lived in Oregon nearly my whole life
- I live on iced coffee and margaritas (iced not blended, extra salt!)
- I want to start a YouTube for Twins and Coffee!
- My best friend and I have been friends for over a decade
- I have a shell collection, as well as a Little Mermaid collection
- My favorite movies are 27 Dresses and Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- I have a crazy bad habit of biting my nails
- I am scared for my future with the twins and honestly don’t know what I am going to do
Questions from The Vegas Mommy:
1. What is your favorite way to unwind?
I’d have to say zoning into something in the kitchen (baking, cake decorating, or even cleaning) or doing my makeup. Something that I have to completely focus on always gets me out of my own head.
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In five years I see myself chasing two five year olds around our own home. I hope to have purchased our first home in the next five years.
3. How did you get started blogging?
I got started blogging when the twins were a little over a month old and I was developing postpartum depression. My husband was working long hours and I was losing myself in my new role as mom. Come about 3pm everyday, I was losing it. Bawling on the phone to my husband that I couldn’t do this, and that I didn’t know what was going on. He suggested I look into blogging because I needed some sort of outlet. Best advice he has ever given me!
4. Who is your favorite superhero? Why?
I don’t have a favorite, per say. I have never been big on superheroes. Does Iron Man count? Robert Downy Jr. is my FAVORITE!
5. If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
I think I’d have dinner with my grandma, and bring along the twins since she never had the chance to meet them.
6. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
I am going to be lame with this answer and say Idaho. I know. Out of everywhere in the world- Idaho. I just see that as being the best place for our family to set roots and grow old.
7. What is your guilty pleasure TV show?
How I Met Your Mother and Weeds. Hands down. I could watch them on loops! Next up would be Shameless.
8. Why did you name your child(ren) what you did?
Well my husband and I shot off names until we found ones we liked! No big meanings. Their middle names are our own, however.
9. Would you rather live in space for a year or underwater?
UNDERWATER! Hello, mermaid life.
10. Do you prefer coffee or tea?
Well, coffee… it’s in the name! I do like iced tea during the summer. However, my go to is always iced coffee with peppermint and a splash of half&half.
11. What is your number one hope for your child(ren)?
I hope that they grow up following their dreams. I hope that my husband and I can provide for them to do so.
The best part about this online award is that I get to nominate other bloggers as well!
My nominations are:
- Love and Boogers
- Eye See Scarlett
- One Not So Bored Mommy
- Small Town Fam
- Blue Bowl Recipes
- Unlicensed to Mom
- While in Waiting
- &Remix the Robinsons
If I nominated you, you do NOT have to participate!
My Questions for You:
- Are you a dog or cat person? Why?
- What is your favorite holiday to decorate for?
- What makes you “old”?
- What would you say to 15 year old you if you could go back in time?
- What do you do to get rid of the hiccups?
- What is the craziest fib your parents told you growing up?
- Do you think you could go a WHOLE day saying “yes” to everything?
- What is the weirdest talent you have?
- What would your ultimate pizza entail?
- What is the one thing you said you’d never do as mom, but now laugh at?
This was SO much fun, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity. You guys have probably learned quite a bit about me if you have stuck around to the end! Is there anything you would like me to elaborate on in a blog or instagram post?
Let me know in the comments below!
Ashley says
Thank you SO much for nominating me! I am deeply honored. I appreciate all the hard work you do for your sweet family and this space. Keep it up!
May Robinson says
Thanks for the nomination! I loved reading this and learning more about you. It is really fun connecting with other bloggers and moms on social media. It makes being a first time mom to twins a little less scary. I also LOVE Weeds and iced coffee! 🙂
Lynneah says
You are very welcome! This is such a fun award, and you deserve it! Can’t wait to hear more about the twins!
Lynneah says
You’re welcome! I love following your journeys through your blog!
Brandi says
Thank you so much friend for nominating me! I love that through blogging I have made a new friend.
Lynneah says
You’re welcome! I think that is one of the best parts of blogging!
Grandpa says
I love you kid, keep up the GREAT work. I am very proud of where you have so far come, I hope the WORLD opens up to like you have for those twins!!!