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Working on repeating positive & uplifting self love affirmations to myself daily have helped build my confidence and self esteem in ways I honestly never thought could be possible

What are Affirmations?
Awkward. Affirmations are awkward.
At first anyway.
My therapist was the first person to really drive into me that I needed to work on the way I felt about myself. Her suggestion that she repeated every time we saw each other for the first few months was something you have probably heard a million times but shy’d away from because it just sounds awkward.
Repeating positive things about yourself into your mirror.
You see, affirmations are essentially positive phrases or statements that are supposed to combat negative or unhelpful self-talk and/or thoughts.
So, when I continued to go into every therapy session on the verge of a breakdown (or mid-breakdown tbh) explaining how much I hated myself, my life, and pretty much every bit of the world of course she continued to drill into me that I needed to start shifting my mindset with simple positive affirmations.
Eventually I took the bite.
I started by saving tons of affirmation graphics I found on Pinterest to get a feel for what I really connected with and then moved onto putting those affirmations to paper.
The Start of my Self-Love Journey with Self-Love Affirmations
One day I decided to start writing down three affirmations for myself in the mornings. I was difficult in the beginning because I honestly did NOT believe I was “worthy” or “beautiful” or “enough”, but I kept going. I would scroll through my Pinterest board and write down the first three affirmations that I connected with in the moment and then left my journal open on my pillow throughout the day as a little reminder.
Working that quick morning journaling into my life was honestly where a huge shift in my self-love journey started to happen. Within a few weeks I was listing out daily affirmations for myself that actually felt true. I could feel my mindset changing. I could feel myself getting “lighter” and ultimately happier.
Then I gave myself a challenge in the beginning of 2021 to tell myself every single morning “I love you Lynneah” in the mirror.
I’ll have to dive into mirror work another day, but man, vocalizing even the smallest thing to myself in the mirror such as “I believe in you Lynneah” started to feel so freeing. Talking to myself in the mirror has now become a regular thing when I need a mood boost or even when I need to work through some thoughts with myself.
I guess what I am trying to get at here is that I understand how silly these sorts of things can sound in the beginning. I do. But I also believe that everything in life is worth a shot, especially when it comes to your own true happiness.

Why Self Love Affirmations?
Okay now that we’ve covered what affirmations are, let’s talk self-love affirmations. Now, there are a handful of different kinds of affirmations that are geared toward different things, but I think self love affirmations are what end up being the most helpful in resetting your mindset and helping you build fresh and happy life.
If you are someone who…
- views themselves poorly
- makes negative statements about your body/being
- can’t visualize a positive future
- denies compliments and rewards for your efforts/success
Odds are you could use a bit of work in the self love department.
That is not to say that getting started with these sorts of self love affirmations is going to be a cure all for all negative self-talk, but they are a start. Do I still have bad days? Yes. A million times yes. But do I have the tools to attempt to combat the negative self-talk and do my best to shift those thoughts to at least neutral statements?
Yes. I do.
Let’s touch on the elephant in the room for a sec-
Do Affirmations Work for Everyone?
Yes and no. While affirmations ARE a great way to work on shifting your mindset and how you view the world, actually acting on and believing that you are worthy of the “good” is ultimately what it all comes back to.
Repeating loving words to yourself in the mirror or in your notebook isn’t going to solve the big problems in your life, but the shift in mindset is what DOES help most people figure out how to work through those big things in a positive way.
I think you’ll love these!
- 110+ Affirmations for Suicidal Thoughts That Help
- Real Tips for a Mom’s Morning Routine to Stick To
- 10 Positive Habits for Better Mental Health
- 110+ Inspiring Quotes for Recovering Alcoholics
- Inspirational Blessed Friday Quotes to Start Your Weekend Right

Huge List of Self Love Affirmations for Building Self Esteem and Confidence
I hope if you have made it to this section of my post that you have decided that you are worth fighting for and might be ready to get started on your self love journey.
I am so happy if that is the case.
Let’s dive into my huge list of self love affirmations for building confidence and self-esteem.
Seven Daily Affirmations to Repeat to Yourself:
- I believe in myself and my dreams
- I am doing my best
- I love myself for who I am (or, I am working on loving myself for all that I am)
- I am in charge of my happiness and do not let it be dependent on others
- I accept my past, present, and future self
- I am worthy of love
- I am worthy of good things

I Am Affirmations:
- I am enough
- I am worthy
- I am capable
- I am confident
- I am strong
- I am courageous
- I am talented
- I am resilient
- I am confident in myself and my actions
- I am wanted
- I am safe
- I am loved
- I am brave
- I am beautiful
- I am funny
- I am kind
- I am learning to love myself
- I am learning to believe in myself
- I am learning my worth
- I am learning to accept myself
- I am learning to forgive myself
- I am learning to believe in my strength
- I am learning to love myself

I Believe Affirmations:
- I believe in myself
- I believe in my abilities
- I believe in my dreams
- I believe in my passions
- I believe good things are coming
- I believe I am worthy
- I believe I am worthy of good things
- I believe I am worthy of love
- I believe I am enough

I Accept Affirmations:
- I accept myself as I am
- I accept my flaws
- I accept my past
- I accept my wrongdoings
- I accept my feelings
- I accept my power
- I accept my strength
- I accept my vulnerability
- I accept love from myself and others
- I accept kindness from myself and others
- I accept change

I Can Affirmations:
- I can do hard things
- I can accomplish great things
- I can accomplish my dreams and goals
- I can provide for my family
- I can be true to myself
- I can learn and grow
- I can create the life of my dreams
- I can do anything I set my mind to
- I can overcome obstacles
- I can get through this
- I can come out of this stronger
- I can come out of this smarter
- I can make a difference in the world
Shop affirmations-on-the-go from No Filter Co:
My friend Ange from Hairspray and High Heels recently launched a new self love shop with her good friend Jaime and I am OBSESSED. My affirmation deck is on the way but grab yours (and maybe a cozy sweater) with the link below!

A few other great sources of self love affirmations:

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