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I have been searching my whole life for summer body confidence, and it truly wasn’t until last summer that I felt anything near confident in my plus sized body.
The Summer body myth
If you clicked on this post, you know. You know what we’re taught. What we as women grow up around and are told through spoken words or body language.
We’re taught to hate our bodies. To search for every single resemblance of a flaw. I remember being SO self conscious in high school by my dimply thighs that I didn’t want to play sports because everyone would see them. I rarely showed much of my legs at all.
Well into my sophomore year I had gotten more comments about my hoodie addiction than I can count. I had my days where I found a bit of confidence, which was usually when I was surrounded by my best friends. But most days, the only thing I saw staring back at me was all that I wasn’t.
That feeling of not being enough followed me into each summer. Whether I got a comment from my grandma about my belly, or I was caught up in the newest magazine fad, I just felt gross.
It wasn’t until I had my twins that I started to feel any level of empowerment within myself and my appearance. It also led me into the world of body positivity and confidence.
The community within the body empowerment and confidence movement is phenomenal. I’ve been exposed to so many different women & their varying body types, all explaining how they have worked towards loving themselves for all that they are despite what the media shoves down our throats from birth.
I’ve found strength within myself thanks to these women who have spilled it all (figuratively & literally) in hopes to normalize bodies as a whole. While I’ve worked through loving myself, I’ve found it to be especially impactful regarding summer time. Aka swimsuit season.
The myth about swimsuit season
What comes to your mind when you think of “swimsuit season”?
Probably the fact that it’s something you must “prepare” for, right?
You gotta prepare for that trip, that wedding, graduation, or whatever event might occur during the warm months.
You don’t.
You don’t have to “prepare” anything. Your body is your body. And that body is a swimsuit body just as much as it is a leggings & hoodie body.
Every body is a swimsuit body.
No buts about it.
Your body deserves to be on that beach and in that pool just as much as anyone else’s.
I could talk for HOURS about this. Which is why I wanted to bring in some of my friends to share their own stories and how they’ve found it within themselves to love the body that carries them through life.
how to tackle the summer body myth and find summer body confidence
how to find summer body confidence
Finally becoming confident in your summer body IS going to happen. I’m sure my friends stories above helped give you a little push, but to start growing your body confidence, dive into the things below.
surround yourself with positive influence
Honestly, this step is your KEY to finally living for and loving yourself. If those around you are talking highly of themselves, believing they are worthy, and looking & acting confident, it is more than likely that the confidence will rub off on you as well.
write love notes to yourself
Writing little notes to yourself on a regular basis can improve the way you see yourself dramatically. Something like “one thing you love about yourself” a day can easily shift your world around. It helps you dive in and truly see yourself for who you are.
dress for yourself
Finally, dressing however makes YOU feel beautiful is key to living that body confident life. I personally like a pair of jegging skinny jeans an a looser fit top. That is my go to outfit that makes me feel beautiful and confident. You don’t have to follow fashion trends that don’t make you feel the best about yourself. Do YOU.
Also, please remember that NO one see’s the size of your clothes. Buy some that fit you well. Not the Large just because you want to say it’s a size L when a XXL would have fit much better. Well fitting clothes that you enjoy will bring a little more pep to your step.
I hope by now you have found some ground to start working towards loving your summer body and believing in it. Remember, it is nothing different from your winter, spring, or fall body. It is valued the same and just as beautiful no matter the time of year.
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