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I thought I was ready for potty training. I mean, I was scared. But I didn’t think it would be as hard as it is.
Or was, because at this point in time I’ve decided to stop trying. We all just weren’t ready.
Let me tell you, that makes me feel like SUCH a failure. I was so excited. Kendall was showing all of the signs that she was ready, the only thing holding her back was her young age of freshly two.
And it sucks. It sucks to have tried something and then found out it just wasn’t the right time. She wasn’t ready and I wasn’t ready.
Well, then why did I start potty training?
She seemed “ready”. Oh man. If you knew what I meant by that… okay I’ll tell you.
She is a crazy girl. She loves to be naked. I found this out when she started taking her diapers off and rubbing whatever was in them, yes, including poop, all over the walls. Nap time was becoming something I dreaded because she was able to get out of ANY clothes. Yes. Even zippered sleepers on backwards. She can do anything with the help of her twin brother.
She was also following me into the bathroom, pretending to wipe when I did and loved to flush the toilet.
One morning she had taken her diaper off once again, smeared shit all over their room and I had just decided I’d had it.
It was time for potty training.
That was that. I ordered everything I needed to get started, luckily we already had a toddler potty laying around that I had bought to prepare for this day.
And I just assumed it would work. That the first day would be hard, like sleep training, but that she’d just get it come day two or three and all would be good.
I was very wrong. It was so much harder than I imagined. And we ended up calling it quits after day four because it just wasn’t clicking.
Why did I stop potty training?
Well, to put it simply I stopped because she wasn’t making it to the potty at all. Instead she was playing with toilet paper, running to and from the bathroom, and making a game of it just to pee or poop on the floor.
It was exhausting. She just wasn’t getting it. And I was so upset.
Was I doing something wrong? Why could I not get her to go on the potty?
But that’s when we decided she just wasn’t ready. Simply put just not ready.
What makes potty training so hard?
Ugh, just so many things!
First of all, just staying home is hard. All of a sudden you have a million things to do and people to see, but instead your focus has got to be 100% on your little one. Checking the time, asking if they have to go potty, putting them on the potty anyways. It’s hard and exhausting.
It doesn’t sound exhuasting, but honstesly we just stayed on the couch for the bulk of those four days because I wqas so tired of being constantly ON with her. I don’t know how the helicopter parents do it to be honest!
Then trying to teach something that at this point in your life comes so naturally to you is just hard. Kids are hard, man. They don’t just know what “go potty” is.
I know, huge shocker. But It gets so frustrating when you try to get them to go on the potty over and over, but they don’t even know what that means!
So take this as your warning and give yourself grace.
Potty training just might not go your way. It might not work out the first time you give it your all, but that is okay.
You’re not doing anything wrong.
You’re simply doing your best.
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