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Finding out that you’re pregnant is a very emotional experience.
Then finding out that it’s twins? Talk about emotional overload!
Emotions aside, there is a lot going on during the first trimester of twin pregnancy. There is so much to learn in what seems like such little time, all while your body is going through some of the biggest changes that will ever happen.
It can be very easy to become overwhelmed. I know I was. So I’ve decided to start a series on the trimesters of twin pregnancy, and what you can expect from each.
This is the first post in the series, check out all about the second trimester and then all about the third trimester next!

What You Should Know:
First of all, welcome to twin pregnancy! The first trimester of twin pregnancy is a great introduction to what life with twins is about to be like!
I am sure the ‘welcome’ you received from your body wasn’t quite as pleasant. I was sick starting day ONE! You’d think I would have known!
If I’m being completely honest, you are not in for the best of rides. Is it worth it? Yes. Will it be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done? Also yes.
Twin pregnancy is rough and you’re going to want to take everything a day at a time from now on. Sometimes even hour by hour.
BUT! We all get through it!

Something you should do if you haven’t already is look into Twin Mom groups on Facebook. They are a great support network and everyone that is apart of them wants to help you with whatever it is you need! You can find local groups or global groups. I think they both have their perks. Either way, join at least one group now and thank yourself later.
Facebook groups are actually where I learned the most during my pregnancy. Every time I had a question, I had tons of responses within the hour with great suggestions from people going though the same things.
Something I don’t suggest is asking moms of singletons your weird pregnancy questions. Even though they went through pregnancy too, theirs was a lot different than yours will be. A lot of things are a lot more common in multiples pregnancies than singletons.
A lot of the things you will actually experience would be major red flags or even just unheard of.
For example, plantation bleeding is a lot more common in twin pregnancy. It can be very scary, however, it might be something your doctor would brush off for a while longer than if you were having just one baby.
Now, let’s go over what you should know symptom wise .
If you’re not yet experiencing every pregnancy symptom you have ever heard of, I advise you to prepare yourself. There are a few lucky ones, but most of us catch the crap end of the stick.
Here are all of the things you will more than likely experience:
- Nausea- the WORST of them all. Don’t be surprised if it lasts well into the afternoon/evening. By about week 6 I was waking up and sprinting to the bathroom by 6 am every day. Then during the day almost anything would trigger it. Walking downstairs, the car, the wind, standing up, breathing. Eventually it DID end though. So hang in there momma!
- Breast tenderness/sensitivity- I was surprised by this one. One day I just woke up and I couldn’t even put my bra on. My boobs hurt THAT bad. I even started side hugging my husband because front to front hugs just hurt too much.
- MAJOR fatigue- This one knocked me on my butt. I was so dang exhausted just from being a person that I was taking naps on lunch, going to bed when I got home from work, and even falling asleep at my desk. We actually moved during week 7 of pregnancy and I passed out on the couch between trips and didn’t wake back up until the next morning (but hey, I did get out of bringing everything in from the moving truck).
- Weak bladder- even before I started doubling my water I was having to go pee almost every hour. I was waking up 3-4 times per night also!
- Mood swings- Yes, these do start THIS early on. Let everyone know now that they are in for a few months of a new all over the place version of you!
Check out my 13 Things You Should Know About Twin Pregnancy for more!
What You Should Buy:
If you had a hard time spending money on yourself before, you’re going to want to try your best to get over that! You are going to need some self love over the upcoming months. These are the things I recommend purchasing during the first trimester for both comfort and knowledge.
- Gummy prenatal vitamins (much easier to get down with the morning sickness!)
- XXXL water bottle (because you need to drink a LOT and won’t want to get up that often to fill it!)
- Prego pops (fight off the nausea while driving!)
- Gum (again, fight off the nausea!)
- Ritz, mashed potatoes, rice, very bland plain foods (probably the only foods you’ll be able to kind of keep down)
- Sparkling waters (they will do wonders for your upset tummy!)
- What to do when you’re having two (buy now, read later)
- When you’re expecting twins… (again, buy now, read later)
Also check out my pregnancy essentials post for a more generalized list of what you’ll need for the entire pregnancy.
What You Should Do:
I know it seems like there is a LOT you should be doing right now. But trust me- the stressing isn’t helping you or the babies. Here is what you should do body wise and pregnancy wise.

Body Wise:
First of all, TAKE IT EASY! For the rest of your pregnancy, just take everything easy. You are going to regret over doing anything.
Everything in your life if about to get a lot more difficult, so just start trying to take it easy now and get used to it. Take the opportunity to get some extra sleep (while you can)!
Start taking gummy prenatals and using stretch mark lotion religiously!
Also- drink, drink, drink! Drink ever amount of water that you can keep down.
Pregnancy Wise:
There will be a lot to learn over the bulk of your pregnancy. You might remember things from high school health class, however, twin pregnancy is a whole different ball game. While you’re still growing a baby and will eventually give birth, there are a lot of other things you have to take into account. During the first trimester you are going to be pretty exhausted, so I would try to at least:
- Take belly pictures!! (you’ll be surprised how fast it pops out)
- Learn the differences between types of twins
- Plan out your announcement (and announce if you’re ready!)
- Read 13 Things You Should Know About Twin Pregnancy
Did you find this post helpful? Let me know below in the comments!
And don’t forget to subscribe for updates on the rest of this twin pregnancy series!
Thanks for reading! 🙂
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