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Twins and Coffee Friday Chat
How has this late week been, mama?
I swear I’ve given more time outs this past week than I was given as a teenager. And that says a LOT (sorry mom). But seriously, what is going on with these kids?! From the sounds of it, many of you are right there with me after I shared a few of the incidents over on Instagram.
The latest?
Kendall has learned how to scale the cat tree. The, I don’t know, 7-8ft cat tree?! I didn’t think I would have to worry about her next to her twin brother who literally learned how to walk by standing up just because he liked to fall down. But here we are.
Aside from that though, things have been running smoothly. I’ve been in a good headspace. All circumstances aside, of course. The sun shining during the day has allowed me to work outside at my patio table and I didn’t realize how much I needed it until the one day of rain we had this week.
I instantly realized that the sunshine was helping me stay motivated, in the zone, and on topic. I’m usually all over the place, jumping from task to task. But lately, my outdoor sunshine office has allowed me to really flourish and it’s making me wonder if I need to make a home in somewhere with a little more sun than the PNW!
I’ve been able to find my creative bug again and feel like I’ve been able to put a bit more of myself into Twins and Coffee. I hope you’ve been enjoying the content I’ve been pushing out there and have found some value in it. I actually published one of my favorite posts to date this week and am incredibly grateful for those of you that have taken the time to read it!
I’ll mention it in a bit here with a link.
Here is everything new from Twins and Coffee this past week!
New Posts:
If you haven’t read this one, I’d love if you’d take a moment to read. It’s not terribly long. And it might have a message worth reading.
Trending Posts:
Popular Social Media Posts:
Stories I’ve Loved:
I know, we’re ending on a bit of a heavy note after that last post. But it was way too relatable not to share with you all.
I hope this weekend treats you well and you find a moment to take care of yourself.
Even if it’s making that phone call to get back into therapy.
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