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Twins and Coffee Friday Chat
Welcome back to the twins and coffee Friday chat, mamas! How has this past week gone over for you?
![Twins and Coffee Mom Chat](
I won’t lie, I’ve kind of been all over the place. There are so many changes going on in my life right now, I potty trained Kendall, and the world is chaos. It would be a lot for anyone, but I’m paying close attention to how they’re affecting me and using coping skills hoping the influx of uncertainty doesn’t push me into a manic or depressive episode.
It’s tiring, to be honest. It’s a lot and working on being so self aware often opens you up to the forgotten parts of your mind, which leads to another set of things to work through. It’s a never ending cycle.
Obviously I’m all up in my feelings but that’s not the mood I want to set with these Friday Chats, so let’s change the subject.
I had a post on IG so CRAZY this week.
So many of you guys messaged me or commented that it really hit home. In the post I compared “what you see” & “what you don’t”. On the first side, I showed a happy picture of me holding the twins when they were about nine months old. On the other side, I showed the same picture, but filled it with handwritten text highlighting the thoughts that fill my mind. The guilt, the frustration, and the sadness.
It went over so well that I’ve decided to put together a new & fun project- The Mom Chat. My goal is to talk candidly with anyone who is open to it and cover all sorts of the struggles we face inside of motherhood in an attempt to break down the barriers. Y’all know I am a very open book when it comes to these sorts of things, so I thought it would be a great way to openly discuss these struggles we all seem to face.
If you missed the Google Form I put together asking for your info & topic idea, go ahead and sign up here
One last thing before we dive into the weekly shares- I have teamed up with Andra of Moms of Multiples Coaching over on Instagram where we have introduced a new IGTV series all about dealing with the emotions behind mom guilt, anger & more. We’ll be uploading on Thursday and Saturday each week, so make sure to follow and check back!
Okay now for this weeks featured!
![Twins and Coffee Mom Chat](
Twins and Coffee Chat Weekly Features
New Post:
Only one this week. I am going down to one post a week for a while and going to be updating old content with even more helpful information! Make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter so you don’t miss any updates!
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