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Happy Friiiiiiday & happy Friday Chat day!
This past week has been wild. So many ups, downs, changes & more. I’m also gearing up for my new launch that is happening MONDAY and I seriously could not be more excited.
I have put so much love into every little bit of it, and I am so excited to share what is actually is! It’s also opened my eyes to fun new things to start up here with Twins and Coffee.
I announced on Monday that we are starting something I’m going to call “The Mom Chat” on June 7th! My goal with the new (hopefully weekly) live series is to break down those barriers of motherhood, have open conversations about things that make us uncomfortable & keep is real! I’m talking kids, chaos, and all that. We’re all moms and I want this series to be unlike anything I’ve ever seen before and basically be a recreation of two friends sitting in the living room, kids, running around, having a true conversation.
If you’d love to sign up for a future date, fill out this form!
We’ll be starting off The Mom Chat with my friend, Ashley, of @unlicensedtomom and we’ll be chatting about her birth experience during COVID & the truth about parenting stuck at home.
If you’re open to chatting live on Instagram, shoot me a message! I’m looking for mamas to discuss struggles, stigmas, mental health, controversial subjects. All of it!
Let’s chat about what else happened this week!
Twins and Coffee Friday Chat
New on the Blog:
When I potty trained Kendall, you guys had so many questions so I was sure to get up a post ASAP with all of my fresh thoughts & answers on the subject.
& I also partnered with a favorite brand of mine, Lane Bryant to share some tips for Self-Love and Compassion. Don’t worry, I’m not talking bath bombs. I’m talking real ways to work towards loving & believing in yourself!
Trending on the Blog:
It’s not a surprise that camping topics are trending right not on the blog. I’m looking at ways to get back out camping myself! It seems like the best way to social distance & get a little vacation in.
Popular on Social Media:
Stories I’ve loved this week:
This post from Filter Free Parents about finding your person & how much they matter.
This great post of summer activities for toddlers by Team Cartwright
What have you been loving this past week? Anything you’d love to see included in these weekly chats? Let me know!
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