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Is anyone else jealous of their toddlers water table? I wish I had something like it at their age!
But all good things come to an end. Before that happens, have you ever thought about water table ideas for your toddlers?
Something beyond the water and included toys?
I honestly hadn’t until I saw some pop up on Pinterest. Then I kind of went all in.
I sat down and brainstormed a few different water table ideas and invited a few friends over because might as well make the experiment a play date!
The kids ended up having so much fun, and the water table ideas kept them interested all afternoon.
Here are the best water table ideas I’ve found between my twins and their little friends! Hopefully they keep your summer interesting and fun!

Ice Table
My kids love playing in ice. This is super easy. Fill the water table very shallow with water, and dump in some ice! Let them use scoops and cups to play around with the ice.
Click here for another summer ice box idea!

Pour Station
Fill some different plastic cups and such with colored ice, regualar ice, colored water and plain water. Let your littles play around the water table, pouring and playing with the various cups.

Play Kitchen
Use kitchen utensils and plastic tableware for fun! Add some bubbles and let them “wash” their dishes.
Toy/Car Wash Station
Fun way to clean both your littles toys, and the actual water table! Add lots of suds and let your toddlers play in the water table with their toy cars/water friendly toys.

Dry table
Instead of water, pour in colored rice or pasta. Encourage them to use it as a giant crunchy box, or sensory bin. Run toy cars through the dry goods or use the the toys included to pour and play like a sand box!
Now let’s bring on the summer heat so these fun water table ideas can be put to work!
If you don’t have a water table, here are some of my favorites off Amazon:

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