Money Saving Toddler Activities

By Twins and Coffee

Lego Bath

Fussy toddlers? Need to cool off? Try this as a way to mix up bath time

Blow up some fun colored balloons and let the fun commence

Balloon Party

Fun with Bubbles

Mix a lot of dish soap in with some water in the tubs and let them play in the suds with cars, utensils, and cups

Stacking Cups

Lay out cups and encourage them to stack and unstack the cups.

Painting Paper

Simple and no mess! Give your toddlers buckets with some water, and encourage them to use the paint brushes to paint with water on colored construction paper.

Pasta Scoop

Pour the rice or pasta into bin and encourage toddlers to scoop the pasta between the bins.

Ice Sorting

Fill up buckets with some ice and let them use the utensils to transfer and play with the ice. Fun sensory idea!

For more activities for your toddlers
