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Apps for Mental Health

I see you struggling to hold on right now, mama. I know it’s tough. Believe me, as someone who has dealt with mental health struggles for as long as she can remember, I know.
Right now is hard for SO many. A lot of us are feeling the ramifications of mental health struggles for the first time, as well as dealing with past mental health struggles coming back to the surface.
Right now has proven to be a major trigger for those who have dealt with depression, PPD, PTSD and so much more. And for that, I am here for each and every one of you. For some reason, what is going on hasn’t been a major struggle for myself, which is really odd.
Most of you guys know I was diagnosed with Bipolar Depression this time last year. Since then, I have really struggled with my mental health while trying to find the right medication to balance myself out. I’ve gone into some super low lows, as well as some super high highs. But my new medication seemed to kick in right around the start of all of this, and that is the only conclusion I can come up with as to why I am finding calm in this storm.
Because of that, I feel like I can come to you with some level of peace. I am doing ok, therefore I am thinking straight and can hopefully provide you with some assistance. Now that is not to say I’m not going crazy- because that is simply untrue. But instead I am looking at this time for what it is and doing my best to not let the anxieties of what could happen overcome me.
With that, I want to offer you all some of my favorite apps for mental health. I have tried them all out at some point in time and can assure you that they’ll each help you in some shape or form.
Best Apps for Mental Health

The Dare App offers an assortment of tools for quickly dealing with your personal struggles. Upon entering the app, you are asked to select which problem area you wish to work on. My favorite offering from the app was it’s selection for dealing with panic attacks and anxiety attacks right NOW as well as how to work on preventing them and recognizing them.
The Headspace app offers tools for daily guided meditation that are meant to help you become more in-tune with your thoughts and emotions. It’s been proven to help users find a sense of calm in the madness, which could be exactly what we need right now.

The Calm app also offers mental health relaxation through guided meditation along with soothing music and stories. When you sign into the app, it’ll ask you which areas you want to focus on and from there takes you on a journey working through your struggles from increased happiness, focus, to reduced anxiety and stress.

What’s Up
The What’s Up app (NOT WhatsApp) is a tool for tracking habits, as well as building the skills to not only cope with your struggles, but to work through your thought patterns to stop them in their tracks.
Self Help for Anxiety Management
The (SAM) app is geared towards helping users track their moods and features relaxation techniques as well as coping mechanisms to practice with regard to anxiety management.

The eMoods app is actually designed specifically for those diagnosed as Bipolar. It provides a space to track both your highs and lows, as well as helps you in better recognizing your triggers and helps you with self care techniques. This has been a favorite of mine because it focuses strictly on what I need help with most.
The Happify app is focused on assessing where you are at mental health wise, and then takes you through an assortment of activities and games with a goal of making you “happier”. Now there are some controversies as to if this app works or not, but for the low price of FREE, I have to say it is worth a shot!

+ a bonus- my favorite mental health web resource, is an amazing resource for people all across the mental health spectrum. You’ll start out by assessing where you are at, and what areas you wish to improve. From there, it suggests where to begin your journey. Aside from specific areas you want to work on, it provides a selection of focus areas, even regarding how to manage your anxiety during this current pandemic.
You will need an access code to sign up. Your access code is WesternCommunity. My therapy office provided me with the information to share with you all.
I hope this detailed list of my top apps for mental health provide just what you need for your own journey and that you are on the path to feeling better soon.
Along with these apps for mental health, take a look at this helpful guide I shared last week with regard to self care tips for mental health.

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