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How to Create a Daily Routine

You know what’s fun?
Actually enjoying your day.
Not spending it scrambling, not having enough time or forgetting to do anything you ACTUALLY wanted to do.
I’ve been caught up in the routine of checking off boxes of my required todo list without including things that actually make me happen more times than I can count. And it honestly took a big mindset change to realize WHY I wasn’t feeling happy or accomplished come day end.
Ever since having my twins, I’ve been go go go. Always focused on the next task at hand, preparing for it, and not leaving much time for anything I truly enjoy. You know what is wrong with that? It doesn’t leave any time for me to actually enjoy my days. To enjoy my life.
I’ve found that the key to creating a solid daily routine for myself is to include things that bring me happiness, and now I want to teach you just how to create a daily routine. One that WORKS.
I want to point out before we dive in to deep, a routine is not a schedule. When I think schedule I think specific times. Now, if you’re a mom, you know that just doesn’t work. Suddenly one thing leads to another and you’re an hour and a half behind schedule and you’re completely thrown off. A routine is simply how you want your day to flow. This followed by that.
Now I’m not here to tell you I’m some master at living life. That my days run smoothly and I’m always happy. God, I wish that was true. But it’s not. Things don’t go as planned a good 90% of the time. Especially with twins. But what I can tell you, is that my guide for creating a daily routine helps you hound in on what you truly want AND need to accomplish in a day, and provides the flexibility for life’s punches to come at you.
Here is your guide to create a daily routine that works

- Identify your stressors/priorities – This is most important to do FIRST so that you can identify how you do NOT want your day to go. Aka, will waking up when your kids do start you off on the wrong foot? When do you need to eat to not get hangry. As well as what is most important to you.
- Write out everything you would love to accomplish in a single day – I’m not talking specifics like a doctors apt and such. I’m talking generalized everyday musts. Such as coffee first thing, X hours of work broken up, lunch before nap time, ect.
- Write out what you wish to accomplish in a single week – aka chores, work, specific tasks.
- Identify when you are most productive – Not TIMES, but inside of the flows of the day. Is it right after breakfast? Before kids wake up? After dinner? Jot that down.
- Put your routine together – Remember, this is a generalized routine. This doesn’t include the doctors appointment on Tuesday at 11AM. This is simply the flow of your day. And example of such might be, wake up before kids, make coffee, work, make kids breakfast, kids up, breakfast, play time, errands, lunch, nap, ect. Remember, add time for YOU and what you enjoy!
- Finally, it is time to put together your new daily routine and your scheduled events – take a good ten minutes with your calendar of choice and plan out your days keeping your routine in mind while adding in the specific daily tasks. Once you have a solid routine in place, you’ll be able to easily schedule your events/outings based off of it!
Now that is basically how I run my life. I mean, things change. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and have to re-route my day because something came up but you get the gist.
I hope my guide on how to create a daily routine helps you and makes for a more enjoyable daily experience!

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