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I’ve wanted to share what parenting twins through quarantine has looked like, but thankfully my new friends from offered to weigh in and share the experience through the eyes of a twin dad.
Thank you so much, Grant, of for sharing your perspective on twin parenting as a dad!

Parenting through quarantine through dad eyes
I have a lot less patience than my wonderful wife. If it wasn’t for her strength, I’d be in the fetal position, crying in a warm shower (kidding, but only slightly).
It has been getting increasingly harder and harder for us to find ways to entertain 15-month-old twin boys who are growing more restless each day.
It’s relentless, it’s monotonous, it’s grueling – but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
This is what an average weekday looks like for me:
6 AM – dad wakes Up, takes boys to playroom (mom catches some precious shut eye)
7:30 AM – boys eat. Usually oatmeal or chia seed pudding
8:30 AM – hang out with boys in living room as they scale furniture, throw pillows off the couch (sorry babe), knock down pictures and try to break every child safety lock.
8:55 AM – wake up mom by throwing boys on her and hop in the shower
9:05 AM – work (Mom holds down fort)
12 PM – feed boys, clean up mess
2 PM – help with boys second nap. Try not to fall asleep at desk
5 PM – cook dinner and hope boys like theirs
7 PM – Wrestle boys to bed
8 PM – Clean up after the tornado
10 PM – Crawl into bed, exhausted
It’s hard enough without a pandemic and lockdown. Now take away going out to eat, going to the gym, or having friends and family over and I feel like I’m one step away from a meltdown. We try our best to FaceTime our relatives and initiate conversations with friends. Sometimes it feels like I am being pulled every direction and like none of my relationships are thriving.
Beyond that, of course is the constant fear of getting the virus and myself, my wife, or god-forbid one of the boys getting sick. My wife inevitably finds news articles of newly married couples where the husband or wife dies, and it terrifies both of us.
It’s not all bad, of course. I am incredibly fortunate to still be employed and that my wife can stay at home. This time has been great to bond with our boys. Some parents miss milestones and never get those moments back and I get to be here for them.
We are also saving money by not going out to eat, making some renovations around the house and setting time aside for planning for the future.

Dads weigh-in, this is what parenting twins during quarantine looks like
I wanted to ask other twin dads in my Facebook group what they thought were the best and worst thing about parenting twins through quarantine. Here is what they said:
BEST of parenting twins during quarantine
“Watching every milestone. I got to see them roll over for the first time. I wouldn’t get to do that If I were in the office all day”
- Chris C.
“discovering new places to go in the countryside because you have to. And the fact that they have each other to keep themselves company during a time when they are cut off from their friends.”
- Peter S, England
“the best thing has been all the extra time I have had with my twins (they are 5). I was spending 3-4 hours a day commuting back and forth to my corporate job and now that I have been working remotely, my quality of life has improved so much and has changed my relationship with my kids.”
- Daniel F, Connecticut USA
“watching them grow all day every day”
- Tom F, Illinois
“Doing video calls and having the twins on the lap. I’ve seen sooo many children of clients, workmates, etc. Life strangely got much more personal on this level”
- Daniel M, Germany
WORST of parenting twins during quarantine
“Can’t go to visit their mom at her work. (Hospital)”
- David S.
“not being able to let my grandparents see them. My grandmother passed and she never got to hold them. We can’t go and “show off our babies” because we don’t know what we are getting exposed to.”
- Hunter H.
“not having access to play grounds. I’m in NYC and every play ground is locked up. So we had to find parks w/o playground to avoid tears and that provided a decent space for them to run around.”
- Robert C, New York
“The worst part has been being stuck together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not really getting to see other people or just get any time alone.”
- James C
“both parents having covid while caring for twins lol.. def was not a fun 2 weeks!”
- Paulo G
How has parenting twins through quarantine gone for you?
Make sure to follow Grant and his wonderful family over on Instagram as their blog and twin boys grow!
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