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Visiting the Oregon Zoo is something I have done with my twins since they were a couple months old.
Back then, it wasn’t much for tem but it did start to become a great family experience. I loved spending the time out all together and walking the zoo with my husband.
But the visiting the zoo with toddlers is a whole new experience.
Espeically with twin toddlers!
I mean, don’t get me wrong. Most things with twins get a lot more complicaited. The zoo is not excluded from that!
Over our many different trips to the Oregon zoo, I have found what works and what doesn’t.
A trip to the zoo with toddlers can be a handful if you aren’t prepared, so read through my list of tips and then pin it for later!

1. Pack All of the Snacks
I don’t know about you, but snacks keep my toddlers on track during just about anything. They are always my go to.
I like to bring easy things like goldfish, pouches, bars. Simple things that don’t get too messy. Click here for a list of my favorite toddler snacks perfect for on the go!
But keep in mind, if you’re going to the Oregon Zoo, they offer some pretty tasty elephant ears and a beer/cider cart!
2. Dress the Part
If you go early in the morning (like you should) odds are it’ll be pretty chilly when you get there, but quickly warm up. I always dress everyone in layers that are easy to remove as the day warms up when visiting the zoo with toddlers.
3. Keep it Movin’
Even when my twins are deeply into an exhibit, I don’t stay long. I don’t want them to end up getting bored and fussy because we all know it is down hill from there! I am constantly moving the stroller, talking, pointing things out. Keeping them and their attentions moving is key to a stress free day at the zoo!
4. Check the Calendar/Schedule Ahead of Time
There might be an awesome event that you want to take your kids to, or you might find that something big is going on and you’ll want to reschedule for another day. Checking ahead of time is key! Plus most zoos list when they do their feedings/animal care taker times.
5. Never EVER Go With Out Your Stroller
You might think your toddlers will be fine. Or that you can wear them. I am going to have to pass on that. I am a firm believer in the stroller and that the zoo is a place where you need it the most! All of that walking and no one is going to have a good time after a few exhibits.
6. Get There as Early as You Can
The zoo picks up QUICK! I like to get there early to avoid all of the crowds. It keeps things a lot less stressful overall, and makes it easier to navigate with your toddlers.
7. Remember to Stock Your Bag
Visiting the zoo with toddlers likely means you need a lot of crap. First you have the snacks, then diapers, maybe a change of clothes, water bottles, and anything else. I always suggest over packing because one; you have a stroller to carry it all anyways, and two; you’re likely going to forget what you really need if you don’t!
8. Locate the Bathrooms FIRST!
Do not be like me and forget this tip!! Whether you need it for diaper changes or yourself, you’re going to need to know where the restrooms are during a trip to the zoo with toddlers!

I hope my few tips help you in your trip to the zoo with toddlers and lead to a less stressful day!

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