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Putting together your hospital bag should be done very early in your twin pregnancy.
If you’re in your third trimester and haven’t done it yet, you are pushing it missy!
I wish I would have put mine together early on. I put it off and ended up being admitted on bed rest before I ever got around to it. My husband ended up putting a bag together for me… yeah please listen to me and put yours together before you go to bed tonight.
You don’t want that. Trust me. You want to make sure your favorite yogas make it into the bag, and not have to explain in excruciating detail where everything you want is.
I was in the hospital for about a month before I delivered. I had accumulated just about half of my houses contents by that point trying to keep myself occupied.
Once the babies came, life became all about them and I really didn’t need much. So I created this Hospital Bag Checklist with that in mind.

My first tip for you is to start with a smaller bag. It is always easy to over pack, so starting with a smaller bag won’t let that happen.
I chose my favorite, fun colored bag a friend gave me as a bridesmaid gift. I wish I knew where she found it so I could link it for you guys! It is so cute! And it fit everything that I needed!
Here is what I packed:

Toiletry Wise
Shampoo and conditioner (I am loving the Pantene daily moisture variety right now!)
Tooth Brush and Paste
Face Cleansing Wipes- Way easier than face wash! Quick way to freshen up from your bed when family and friends are visiting
Wet Hair Comb
Q-tips and Cotton Pads
Chapstick/Lipbalm- I looove this rose salve lip moisturizer I bought from Sephora. I bought my first one two years ago and haven’t used another chapstick since!
Nipple cream– Out of all of these, do NOT forget this one. You need to start using it right after your first breastfeeding/pumping session if you want to do your best at saving your nipples.
And of course, a shower bag to put it all in.
I got this one off amazon and was really surprised how big it was! It fits everything pictured and can still zip and flip shut.
Now, you’ll notice I didn’t include razors, makeup or a hair dryer. You do not need those things.
You are going to be so overwhelmed with everything going on that the last thing you’re going to think about is doing your hair or make up.
And shaving…come on. Haha
Clothes Wise

Shower shoes
Comfy, slip on shoes
You’re going to want easy shoes to slip on and walk around the hospital, especially if you end up being there for a while like I was.
I lived in my robe for the entire week after delivery that I was in the hospital. It made nurse checks, nursing, and skin to skin super easy. Plus your hormones are going to go CRAZY post delivery. About 24 hours after I had my babes I was constantly super hot or super cold. I’m talking dripping sweat and then foggy breath kind of cold. The robe helped the fluctuation.
Nursing/Pumping bra
I ordered my nursing bras from Amazon and I love them. They’ve kind of ‘stretched’ with my boobs in their many stages of size which is great. I also suggest getting a tank top looking nursing bra for super easy pumping. You can get the flanges suctioned to your nipples and the bra will actually hold them in place while you pump. I highly suggest this option rather than spending a lot more on actual hands free pumping bras.
T-Shirt and Yogas
You should pack whatever is most comfy and a little loose on your pregnant self because your body isn’t going to snap right back after delivery. If you didn’t know already, you will probably be going home with a still pregnant looking belly. Don’t worry though. It’ll go away faster than you know it!
For even lighter packing, I would suggest just wearing your going home outfit to the hospital in the first place.
Everything Else

Water Bottle (they will give you one, however it’s nice to just have one as well)
You can never have enough snacks. My hospitals food room service was only open 7am to 8pm. It was nice to have snacks on hand for when I forgot to order by the time they closed or if I was dying for something before they opened. I have been LOVING these flavored fig bars lately. Raspberry is my favorite.
Pen and Paper
You are going to be so overwhelmed with information all day long. Make it easier on yourself and take notes when doctors and nurses are in your room telling you this and that. Once you get home, you will forget everything you didn’t write down.
Phone Charger (do I need to explain…)
Coloring Book and Pencils (optional)
This is my only optional item. I think it’s a good idea to just have one thing to occupy yourself if something were to happen. For example, my BP spiked constantly post delivery. This meant I was put on ‘protocol’ where I couldn’t leave the room and was closely monitored. It was nice to have something to keep my mind off of the fact that I couldn’t walk down to the NICU to see my babies during those times.
I would double check with your hospital, but mine provided
- a peri bottle
- mesh undies
- all of the various pads I needed
- heating packs
- ice packs
- a lot more
Because they provided those things, I didn’t bother bringing them.
Now that is all I brought to the hospital for delivery. Or what I used anyways.
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