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I’m not going to beat around the bush here. I’m tired of all of the “time management” kind of posts that fill Pinterest!
Where are the REALISTIC time management tips for busy moms at?!
It’s like all of them expect that everyone is perfect, and no one has unexpected things come up making them run off course.
It’s actually a big part of why I haven’t sat down to write a post about the topic.
I didn’t want to be another one of those people on the internet.
But then I heard you. I listened when you guys asked “how do you do it” and decided to sit my ass down and get these realistic time management tips out for you guys!
But girl, I promise that I make it look like I have it put together a hell of a lot better than I actually do.
But I’ll still share with you my best time management tips for busy moms.
And they’re going to be REALISTIC.
I’m not here to tell you to live time block to time block to time block.
No, I am here to tell you that you CAN find more time in the day, you just gotta work a little smarter at it.
Here are ten of my BEST real life time management tips for busy mamas.

Get UP Girl!
When it comes to mornings- get UP. Best time management tip for busy moms out there. Get up and moving in the morning. Sleeping in is honestly just time wasted. If you have shit to do today, find the extra time by waking up and getting dressed, having a coffee, and sitting in some silence before the kids wake up. You’ll thank me, I know it.
Start your day with coffee
Or breakfast, tea, water, whatever it is; start it off on the right foot. I know this can’t always happen because LIFE. But when you can, MAKE it happen. My days started with some peppermint iced coffee end up going over so much better than those started without. I feel ready to conquer the world when I start my day off on the right foot!
Give Your Kid Your Phone
“But WHY?!” Because she’ll lock you out. That’s why. Then you won’t be tempted to use it! Or just put your phone on do not disturb. But I like the first option.
Refresh has GOT to happen
You gotta find the time to refresh. It is a prioirty when it comes to actually manging your time better, because you are in such a better state of mind when you are refreshed. Stop making excuses and take the ten minute shower when your husband gets home, or the hour break once a week because you DO deserve it.
Say NO
Hate to break it to ya, but you’re likely so busy because you’re like me and have a hard time saying no. But as hard as it is, we HAVE to say NO! Try it and watch your days and weeks start to open up.
Grocery pickup is a MUST
Pro tip for time management for busy moms? That fancy grocery service. Walmart’s service is free, Krogers is free the first three times, and I haven’t tried any of the other ones. But I bet they’re all the same. Save yourself the time, do your shopping from the couch real quick while the kids play, or from the kitchen counter when they’re eating breakfast, and be done with it!
Brain dump the to-do list each morning
Each and EVERY morning. Dump the to do list on a piece of paper. Stick it to the fridge, kitchen counter, TV; anywhere you will see it and not push it to the back of your mind!
Spread out the chores
Stop wasting an ENTIRE DAY cleaning the house, folding all of the laundry, putting away all of the dishes, and driving yourself insane. Nothing is worth it! Do a couple things each day and better yet, give yourself a time limit so you don’t get caught up in hours working on some pointless project around the house. Your time is better spent doing anything else!
Tidy > Clean
Again with cleaning. Forget the spotless house. It’s not going to happen. You got kids! So keep it tidy. It takes so much less time to keep the house kept up instead of deep cleaned 24/7. I swear. No one cares. And if they do, are they really your friends? No. Oh, they are? Then they can get in there and spend their prrecious time cleaning your house. Let them if that’s what they want to do. You got better things to do!
Ask for H.E.L.P
Finally, my last time management tip for busy moms is to ask for the help. Understand that you need it; that everyone needs it. And give yourself grace for that. No one is perfect. No one has it 100% down 24/7. No matter what you are seeing on Instagram or whatever other app you’re spending too much of your time on, their lives are chaotic too.
Social media is just a highlight reel of someones life.
What do you think?
Did I nail the realistic time management tips for moms on
the head?
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The link is down below. Don’t forget to also let me know what your favorite tip on this list was.
I hope these tips help you rock this mamahood thing more than ever before!
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