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The most daunting task with twins is getting out the door.
Whether I am by myself, or have some extra hands, it still takes a lot of preparation and patience to get out the door with twins!
I took the twins out for the first time by myself just two days after being home. I didn’t realize that they would have to go in for their first check up so soon! The night before I was SO anxious. I went through their diaper bag probably twenty times, and even out a sticky note on it to remember bottles!
The next morning, I got up extra early because I had no idea what getting them out the door alone would be like. I checked the diaper bag again, got the bottles together, and laid out the car seats. Then I made sure to feed and change them before we left.
Luckily my babies were so sleepy when it was time to leave that they didn’t put up any fuss! We got out the door, to their appointment, and then back home. All without ANY crying. I felt like the ultimate super mom!
Over the next couple weeks we were in and out of the house a lot. Between their appointments, my own, and running to the store for meds or mcdonalds, I went through a lot of trial and error figuring out the best way to get out the door with twins.
Keep reading for my 7 tips on getting out the door with twins!
Getting Out the Door with Twins:
1. Prep Diaper Bag
Make sure your diaper bag is stocked with enough diapers, wipes, bottles, and anything else you might need for your day. Zip it all up and put it by the door!
2. Prep Yourself
Next you are going to want to prepare yourself. Put on your jacket and shoes and get your keys and wallet together. If getting the babies in their car seats makes them fussy, the last thing you’ll want to be doing is getting ready to leave while they cry. I like to be able to bolt out the door once they are all buckled in.
3. Prep Car Seats (if needed)
Prepping the car seats is something I find very helpful. I have a pretty long couch, so I lay them both on it, tuck the belts and fold back the covers so I can easily slide a child in and be on my way.
I highly recommend the Graco SnugRide Carseats. You can check them out here. I think they are optimal for twin life being that they click RIGHT into the Graco ClickConnect Double Stroller and they are rated for low birth weight babies.
Since my twins were born early, they were tiny little babies! We went home after a few weeks in the NICU and they only weighed five and six pounds. We might have had to purchase other carseats to go home if we hadn’t of purchased these ones!
Don’t forget to check out my complete list of necessities for twins HERE! 🙂
4. Feed/ Change Babies
Probably the most important step to getting out the door is making sure they’re changed and fed before you leave. Feed the twins however you like and then you’re ready for the next step.
Read why I choose to bottle feed my twins here!
Also, while you’re changing the twins is a good time to put their jackets on too!
5. Babies in Car Seat (if needed)
Okay we are almost ready to head out the door! Once I am ready to start assembling the children, I like to start with the most ‘calm’ one first. Typically it is the one that falls right back asleep after eating. Then get the other one buckled in and you are ready to rock and roll after you click the seats into your stroller!
6. Stroller out the Door
Wheel your Graco DuoGlider stroller outside your home and lock the wheels before locking up the house. Never forget to lock the wheels before turning your back to the stroller.
If you’re just going on a walk- you’re done! Have a great walk! 🙂
7. Get Babies in Car
Again, make sure to lock the wheels of the stroller behind your car and load up each child.
And off you go!
8. (BONUS) Get home 15-20 Minutes before they’re going to eat again
If you can bank on when they’re going to be hungry again, try to be home a bit before to give yourself time to get ready. Remember, you’ll need to park, get them out of the car, into the house and get bottles(or yourself) ready for them. Stay calm and give yourself the 15-20 minutes.
Don’t forget to pin this for later when you are actually leaving the house with your babies!
I hope I offered some new ideas for you to have a successful outing with the twins! Go ahead and share in the comments below any other tips you might have that help you get your twins out the door!
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Pati says
Your tips were very helpful. I am the grandma to be of an only child who is having twins. I will be primary babysitter when the school year starts in September (she will be delivering end of April). My daughter is a teacher. There is not too much reading info for a grandma like me. But this is one job I am so looking forward to. Again thank you for your information
Lynneah says
I am so glad that you found my tips and tricks helpful! Best of luck with those twinnies!
Anna H. says
Pregnant for the first time with twins! Pinning a lot of your posts for later =)
Lynneah says
How exciting! I am so happy to help! I hope you subscribe for future updates as well! I try to post at least twice per week!
Congrats momma!