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How often do you put off time for yourself because you think you have NO time for it? Probably way too freaking often.
Finding out how to make time for yourself should be a prioirty.
And I’m going to help you find that time so you can stop making the excuses.
I bet the laundry doesn’t get the same excuses. Work doesn’t get excuses. Eating dinner doesn’t get excuses.
Neither. Should. You.
Your mental health is just as important as any other aspect of your life. And the first step in making time for yourself is UNDERSTANDING that you NEED that time for yourself.
You have got to stop making excuses and realize your worth.
One of my favorite parenting quotes that I live by is;
“You can’t take care of your kids without taking care of yourself”
I have no idea where the quote is from other than a cutesy picture on Pinterest, but man. Ever since the day I saw it pop up I haven’t been able to toss it out of my mind.
If you want to give your kids the best, well, newsflash. That best version of you has to be a taken care of version of you.
Not a sleep deprived, break deprived, running on literal fumes version of you.
They deserve the best you. And you deserve the best YOU also.
Keep reading for my personal tips on how to make time for yourself, espeically if you think you have no time.
After that realization that you are worth the time, comes making it happen.
First tip: Put yourself on your to-do list.
I share a bit on that in this post all about how to create the ideal and REALISTIC to-do list for busy mamas.
But essentially, it all comes back to making yourself a prioirty.
You schedule in cleaning, appointments, dinners and what not.
Why not schedule yourself in? It only makes sense! I love scheduling myself in for 30 minutes each day.
What you do with that 30 is up to you. But that is a big part of figuring out how to make time for yourself.
Next tip: wake up earlier (or go to bed later).
Whatever works for you, but pick one or the other.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my sleep. But I also wouldn’t trade the couple hours in the morning I have to myself in the quiet for ANYTHING else. It really helps me get a jump in the day and refresh.
I know you have heard it from everyone on Pinterest, the internet, maybe even your mom. But It truly does work.
Something about getting up before you ‘need to’ in the mornings helps you become more productive throughout the day.
Its when the bulk of my blog work is done that you guys see!
You might get a little tired those first couple days, like Rachhloves did in her recent Youtube video testing out popular New Years resolutions, but girl. It is WORTH it!
Start with something you’re excited about. Something you’ve wanted to do for yourself for a while, but seem to never have the time.
Then: Make nap times count.
I have never used nap times to slow down. And when I need it, I’ll use nap time to really refresh and give myself that intentional “me time”. Usually that means sitting down and watching Youtube videos on repeat while snacking. Other days it means focusing on my day dream.
But essentially, I use that nap time to let my brain breathe. If that makes sense.
Usually the house is pretty quiet. I can shower in peace for a minute. Do something I want to do.
Final tip: sometimes you just have to hit pause.
Some days are just going to be chaotic and you’re going to be counting down the seconds until your husband gets home, or until you can just leave the house.
On those days when you feel like you’re about to break- PAUSE.
Put a pause on whatever it is you were trying to do or not do.
And forget it.
A big part of finding the time for yourself, is also understanding when you need it.
And that. That right there is when you need it.
Even with all of the self prep and care in the world, you’re still going to have some bad days.
Help yourself in recognizing when you need that break, and take it.
Hit pause on your life and take it.
Your to-do list can be adjusted. Those other things can wait.
But you can’t.
I hope this gave you some ideas for how to fit in time for yourself throughout the day, and that you have realized that your self care time is important.
Just as important as anything else in your life!
For more realisitic time management tips for moms, scroll back up to the top or bottom of this page here and sign up for my free seven day email course.
No BS.
Just a normal busy mama sharing her tips for getting all of the shit done that seems to take over our lives.
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