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Kids aren’t the only ones who need a time out.
You. YOU need a time out too.
And odds are, you need a mom time out right now. That is probably why you’re here.
I see you, mama.
You’re exhausted. You’ve had it; more than had it. You’re just done.
Now is time for your mom time out
What is a mom time out?
It’s walking away. Putting yourself in the room with the door shut and sitting in silence, just as you did in time out as a kid.
It’s turning Moana on and locking yourself in the bathroom for ten minutes of quiet time. Or sticking the kids in their room with some milk or a snack and closing the door.
It could also be saying f*** it and hiking everyone to the car and driving until the screaming stops. Then you just keep driving.
I need a time out regularity. Like once a day, to be completely honest.
This whole mommin’ thing is hard freaking work. Hard. Work. And two screaming toddlers honestly just get to me sometimes.
Sometimes it doesn’t, and I can stay in my happy place and all is good.
Other times I have to make myself take a step back before I go crazy.
That doesn’t make me or you a bad mom either. It makes us human. There is only so much we can take before we have just had it. It’s okay to feel that way. And when you do, take a time out.
Don’t think. Just do it. Walk away.
If you’re worried about your house, stick them someplace safe for now. Like their room.
But then tomorrow, get to proofing the whole house. If I could give any mom one piece of advice- it would be to have your whole house baby proofed. Just so that when you need that break; when you need to put yourself in mom time out.
You can.
You can just slip away and let them roam while you catch your breath.
And do not even for a second feel bad about doing so.
Everyone needs a break every now and again. No one is perfect. Everything you see on social media is staged. Trust me.
I do it. I take time out of the week to get a stack of pictures for my blog and social media posts. But then if you look into my stories, that is where I share the real.
I have talked often about my mom time outs over on my Instagram stories.
I’ve even recently shared a post similar to this about the truths of being an overwhelmed twin mom.
This crap is just hard. But the last thing you need to do is make it harder on yourself.
Take a break.
Give yourself a time out.
And breathe.
I know that right now, during the holiday season, you need to hear this more than ever.
My hands down favorite quote is
“taking care of yourself is apart of taking care of your kids”
Take that to heart. Especially during this holiday season.
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