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I am here to be real with you guys; newborn twins are freaking rough.
Some days are wonderful. They both sleep when they’re supposed to, don’t pee through their diapers, and neither of them scream you into a migraine. But then there are the other days. Days where if one isn’t crying, the other one is. Or days where you get them both down for a nap, just for them to both crap themselves and wake back up.
Some days are just flat out HARD.
My husband has asked me a few times since having the twins how I do it. This is coming from a man who can hardly handle a few hours alone with them before breaking down. Often times I just shrug it off and say “I just DO”. But that is because honestly I don’t know how I do it sometimes.
He doesn’t see the days where they are both crying and my head is about to explode and I fall to the ground in the kitchen crying and wondering “why me”. He sees me when he gets home and I have calmed down and figured things out. To him, it looks like I have everything figured out.
HA yeah right,
How do I do it? Confidence. Pure confidence. I have to tell myself I CAN do this, I HAVE to do this, and I get shit done. Confidence is something the twins have taught me. Amongst a million other things, they have taught me to believe in myself. Mostly because I have to. If I don’t, then who is going to calm them down and know just how to do it? Right. No one. Just me.
The twins have taught me a lot more than confidence in the past couple months since I brought them home. Read on for the 10 things I have learned from my newborn twins!

10 Things I have Learned from my Newborn Twins

They Sleep A Lot
Now that my twins are nearing four months, they aren’t sleeping as much as they used to. But dang did they sleep a lot for a while! When we brought them home they would pretty much sleep-eat-sleep-eat-15 minutes of awake time-then sleep again. Slowly they started staying up for little bits in between, but for the most part they were asleep! This actually gave me a bit of time in the beginning to get myself together. I organized the house for how I saw fit now that I was actually using everything, and ended up starting my blog! So don’t worry too much if you don’t have everything put away or clean before your twins come home, you will probably have more than enough time to get that stuff done!
Time Management = Success
I wouldn’t be ANYWHERE if I didn’t have my time management skills. Time management is how I am able to accomplish everything. I am constantly thinking in time blocks. For example, if we need to be somewhere by 2pm, I know that we’re going to leave between 12 and 1 after the twins eat so that we’ll be settled at the new location by the time they need to eat again. I also know that in order to leave during that time block I need to wake up before they 9am (when they wake to eat) so I can have time to eat and dress before we leave. It sounds complicated, and my husband says I am crazy. But I have yet to not have time for something or be late so… yeah it works. Check out my how to take care of newborn twins by yourself for more tips!
Getting Out Can Be Easy
Getting out with twins sounds scary. I remember when their NICU nurse said I needed to make their first appt for two days after they left the NICU I just started panicking. I would have to get the twins out BY MYSELF! But HOW is that possible? I was freaking out. But when it came time to make it happen, we did just fine. My time management skills played a huge role. But I have a few other tips in my article about getting out the door with twins.
Co-sleeping isn’t so Bad…
Before I had the twins, I was completely against co-sleeping. But now I have changed my mind. Now I think if something helps them sleep.. well.. so be it. And my boy twin makes the best cuddle bug! I have found that if they are having a hard time sleeping at night, they do a lot better curled up in my arms and then everyone gets more sleep. So that is a big win in my book! Sometimes I can just help keep his binkie in his mouth and that helps him sleep better.
Twins are Different People
I figured that since they are the same age, and both my kids, they would be pretty simillar. But is turns out that is far from true! While they are around the same size, they are developing differently. Kendall is the better night sleeper, Caeden eats more, and they both like different toys (so far). Something that is really fun to see is them trying to crawl. Kendall can move her arms, and Caeden can move his legs. I am teaching them the same things, but they are learning so differently! It is just crazy to see.
First Smiles and Laughs Melt You
This was a more recent thing, but man. I didn’t think it was possible to love something SO much until I saw each of them smile for the first time. I felt like my heart actually burst from so much love. And seeing the two of them smile together? Ugh there is NOTHING like it. I can be having a horrible day, and then the two of them will giggle together and I feel such relief and feel so lucky.
You’ll be a Pro Right Away
Something I have noticed from the very beginning is that I am doing a lot of ‘second time mom’ things. As if I have already done this before. But the truth is, changing, dressing, and feeding two makes you a pro asap. You just have to learn all of the tips and tricks for doing everything. One of my favorite things is laying down to nurse Caeden and playing with Kendall on my hip. Most first time moms couldn’t imagine such a thing, but its a norm for my first time mom self.
You Can NEVER Have Enough Coffee
I have always been a coffee drinker, but more for the taste. Now I use it for its actual purpose and I NEVER have enough. NEVER. Sometimes I make another pot around 2pm because I just haven’t had enough and I am tired of reheating the same coffee I have had since 6am. For some reason being awake at all hours of the day is exhausting. Who knew?
Find Sanity Wherever You Can
This is a big one that I am still learning. Like I said before, life with newborn twins is rough! You neeeeeed a break! I probably need more breaks than I actually take for my own sanity. And that is why I am insane. But whatever. Seriously though, take a dang break! Sometimes I just sit on the toilet for a while and take what I call “a man poop”. You know, because they are in the bathroom for five years before they come out! I will just sit on my phone and read everything on facebook, or maybe sneak in a nice long shower before my husband realizes what I am doing. He he he
Your Instincts Know Best!
My last tip is to always trust your gut! Momma always knows best. If you’re unsure, yeah still ask. But you would be surprised what your momma instincts tell you and how often they are true. You will always know what is best for your baby. If these are your first and you are still pregnant, that might sound untrue. Like how will I just know to wake up and feed them, or know what they need when they cry that certain cry? But trust me, it just comes over you. It probably won’t come over your husband, but it’ll come over you.
Have you already gone through the ringer with newborn twins? Or currently in the same boat? What tips do you have for other mommas?
Go ahead and leave a comment below with any tips you might have for the new or expecting twin momma out there!
Also, don’t forget to subscribe for more from Twins and Coffee!

Danielle says
I am expecting twin boys in July ‘18. My son will be 16 months then and I am thrilled but also terrified. It sounds like you’re doing a fantastic job! Thank yo for posting!
Lynneah says
Thank you! I completely understand how you are feeling! It isn’t something you can ever fully prepare yourself for. Each and every day is absolutely a new adventure.
Best of luck momma!
Jess says
I have 3 year old boy/girl twins… looking back i can say that each stage has its unique challenges – something gets easier and something gets harder… all you can do is roll with the punches, remember it’s okay if things don’t go as planned, and cherish the sweet twin moments! It’s so fun to watch your kiddos grow up with a built in best friend!
Stacy says
This is awesome & I love your honest approach. I’m expecting twin boys, the first week of May. I’m terrified. I’m glad to know some wonder woman instinct will kick in eventually!
Lynneah says
Thank you for your response! I try to keep my writing as open and honest as possible. It is true that your ‘wonder woman’ instincts will take over and you’ll be able to handle it all! Congrats on the boys!
Lynneah says
I totally agree with you that rolling with the punches is a must! Thank you!
Sam says
I am on my 4th week of having the twins home and each Friday that rolls around I’m like “we’ve had them a whole week and we have all survived..we’ve had them 3 weeks and we’ve all survived”. Each new challenge that pops up gets handled and sometimes I have no idea how I came up with a solution, but I did and just kept going. Learn as you go, that’s for sure
Lynneah says
For real, girl. I get asked all of the time how to handle x y or z in the early stages with twins. And you are right! You just do. Somehow. Keep taking it easy girl! Soak in those cuddles